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watch My First Project

Hey Everyone!

I just joined the forum not long ago, so I thought I'd post the first sample of work I've done. It's pretty basic--just a brief editing project about the American media. I used YouTube, Google, iMovie, and not much else:


It's a bit graphic, so just be careful. The media player isn't the best, so you may need to hit play, pause to let it buffer fully, then play again. (Still figuring out embedding.) Otherwise, here's a shorter excerpt on YouTube:


Anyway, let me know what you think. If you like it, by all means subscribe, link to it on Facebook, etc.

Thanks :)
Just a very new person suggestion, but you could always rename, or atleast tag your video with Britney SPEARS' full name, so all the teens searching for her would find your video randomly atleast.
Hey welcome to the boards from a fellow Chicagoan, there are not enough of us on here :)

I watched a few minutes of your top link, it didn't seem like it was going to go anywhere new so I stopped (it is a little early in the morning for so much death). I agree with the point you were making, and the video juxtaposed the images vs the MSM reporting nicely.

As a practice in editing, I think it was a good effort. One thing I try to remember when I edit is that you need to have a beginning middle and end, whether your making just a scene or the whole film. Or as wheat would say, it needs to turn. So try and see if you can make a progression out of the words and images.
I watched it and felt the same way. Even though you have the conceptual idea, you still need to give it a bit of a story or narrative, build up to something a little bit. Otherwise people will "get it" and not see much more reason for continuing watching, especially when the images are what they are.

I thought the editing could be a little tighter in terms of sound, ie the space between the intro and the photos from afghanistan.

I would also recommend not having the title about the photos, but moving all of your credits to the end and having a slate like "Photos from Afghanistan accompanied by 3 years of media coverage". Something like that. people won't know exactly what they are seeing, but they will basically know what it is because the images are graphic enough.
I watched the video. I agree with Rick that you could rename, or at least tag your video with Britney SPEARS' full name, so all the teens searching for her would find your video randomly. Editing of video is not very good you need to be careful about it.