My First Project: Music Video #1 ------ Thoughts?

So first off, I'm totally aware it isn't all that great haha, just wanted to start filming and taking it a little more serious than just goofing around with my friends. I have a T3i and use 4-5 different Canon/Tamron lenses (thanks Dad). Also, the video is a little weird, i UNDERSTAND, please just keep your focus on the actual filming, not so much the music/idea of the song. The rapper wanted it to be this way. :rolleyes:

Thoughts, comments, suggestions, criticism ?? BE 100% HONEST, it'll help me more this way!!!!

First off, this is better than a whole lot of those "homemade rap videos" that I see from time to time. With that in mind...

-In all the establishing shots, especially in the beginning, it was obvious that you were going handheld or using some sort of handheld rig (the shots at :17 and :24 specifically come to mind, but there were other instances too). For those types of shots, it's really only effective if there's a steadier rig to use (steadicam or slider). If you don't have those, you can either 1) upgrade your gear (NOT recommended if you're just starting out), or 2) get more creative with your shots based on what you can EFFECTIVELY pull off with the gear that you have.

-For the "dying scene" at the end, yeah that was weird XD To make it less weird and more "meaningful" (I assume that's what it was supposed to be), I would switch up your camera angle. In that instance, closer-up and hand-held would help sell the effect, as would getting the camera down to ground level.

-Since this is a music video, shortening the length of each shot would be a big help.

-In the future, you should post this in the "screening room," but I won't sue you this time :)

I'm sure other people have more observations on different parts of the video as well, but this is just what was off the top of my head as I watched it.

Good luck with your next one!
Great! Thanks so much Pete. I agree on trying to figure out how to get steadier shots. My friend has a steadycam I MIGHT be able to get off him.
-I totally agree with the ground level angle on the dying shot, I know what you're saying!
- Shortening each shot is also something I will work on, because when I see commercial music videos, they switch up the scenes a lot, you're right!

Thanks again for all your input, again I'm just starting out, so this really helps me out! Thanks man
