archived-videos My first finished short movie - THE TRUTH

Excellent for your first movie (that's what I voted)!! Great editing, Cinematography, music, lighting, etc.

However, the acting was terrible. Also, when the flashbacks are shown...there is this LOUD clicking/pounding sound...this noise should be gone or at least be quieter, because it really kills the mood.

Other than that, great job...I know it's better than my first movie!

By the way, what country are you and the other actors from (I'm guessing Germany)? Perhaps if the actors spoke German the acting would have been better...just a suggestion for future films :wink: .
Aside from stilted-sounding dialogue, that was fantastic!

Nothing wrong with having the subtitles in English for the English-speaking world, and letting the actors work in their first language.

Great work. 8)
Good job for a first short. Well shot and edited. The writing was a little over the top, but shorts are tough because you have to cover a lot of ground in a a little time. Keep up the good work.

First of all: Thanks for your comments! :)

I know, acting IS terrible, but these are just two friends of mine. I didn't have the money and the time to hire "real" actors, but it saw it more a chance to practice cinematography, ...

@ LOGAN L Productions: Not Germany, Austria and please don't say it's pretty much the same. :D (however, we're talking german as well)

See you later!
Great Job! As said above, Acting could have been better. and the Image Quality could have been a little better. But besides that, you did a great job on your first film! Great work!

P.S) What Editing Software did you use? and what did you shot it on?
Can't really say much that hasn't been said here. Good job, looks great!

I would, however, say that if you live near any major city that has anything slightly resembling a college, you could get serious actors for free. Just post flyers around the Performance Arts building.

Nothing against your friends helping you out (personally I have always depended on the kindness of strange looking friends), but let themn help you out behind the scenes and get some serious actors in front of it.

My opinion. By the way, I love your company name.

Excellent! I loved it, that was quite a "first film" on "no budget". Excellent cinematography.

A question: what equipment are you using? Any steadicams? Or just a camera and tripod?

Also, what program did you use to edit it?
Again, great job!
That's an amazing piece for your first video. I love the music - and the rain in the beginning was very well done. Was that real rain, or was that done somehow during shooting and/or post? If so, I'd love to know your technique...

The only things I didn't like were the acting and the audio. The music was great, but I found I had to strain a little to hear what was being said. Am I right in saying you used the camera's built-in mike for recording?

I would suggest getting a shotgun mike, if your camera will accept it... or even dubbing the audio - in a film like this, it would probably be minimally noticeable.

Cheers, and good luck in the future!
I really liked the begining and the camera panning.

how did you keep it steady like that without turning it? did you use a MAG STEADI cart or did you just have a friend hold it real slow or did you use your video editor to zoom in a bit and use motion? the reason i asked is because it seemed to lose some resolution during the lightning seen as it was moving left to right in the first minute.
A lot of people can be critical in the acting. But me in the other hand, I saw a terrific effort from everybody. But you did a great job as a cinematographer. Can you tell me what kind of light kit you use? And what kind of cameras as well?
yeah good work mate. Just saw your short. I have to agree that the acting wasnt great... but it wasnt unbearably bad. The cinematography was also very good and the music was also quite good. Overall it was fantastic for a first film... or even a fifth film... keep at it.
Great job, I liked everything about it, the mood was great! I thought I saw the game wolfenstein(love it)! I like the logo for your company.

I agree with (Zensteve) let the actor work in there native language. The acting was bad only because it was done in English, I don't mind reading subtitles, in fact even if the movie is dubbed over in English, I still put on the subtitles.

Keep up the great work!
Very good short for the first time. Very artistic cinematography. The score was great too. The acting seemed a little hard/rough as others had said. It seemed that they were struggling to say the words a little. They may have been more comfortable in their native tongue.

One thing I noticed is at the end, the last thing we see before the lights go out is a man, holding a loaded and already cocked gun in his mouth. Then we hear him chamber a round by cocking the gun and an immediate discharge of the weapon. Unless he cocked it in his mouth, there wouldn't have been enought time to take it down, cock it then return it to his mouth before firing. Just take out the cocking of the gun and leave the blast.
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