archived-videos my first finished PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCMENT! click here

my name is Timur Nishanov iam 17 years old filmmaker, i came to America 4 years ago from Russia.
I have been making movies since 2001,
Today i have finnaly finished my first PSA ( PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCMENT) about teen pregnency, i would like to know if you guys like it or not? i would lvoe to hear your comments. or direct link
and check out my other films at

TImur Nishanov
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Good for a PSA! Effective ending and titles!

Only one thing that NEEDS to be changed: the 2nd title reads "of those, 1 in 7 has gotten become pregnant."

Proper English would be, "of those, 1 in 7 has become pregnant." Gotten pregnant would work too but it would not have as much impact, and "gotten become" is just wrong.

Also, if you wanted to be just a little bit more specific on the first title, "sexual intercourse" means actual insertion which would get someone pregnant.. which would work well setting up the second title and the ending. "Sex" in English could mean oral sex, intercourse, etc.
lol yea i know that was error when i was rendering...
Btw in their site it said " 1 out of 7 has gotten pregnency" <<< this is what they said
but i changed it to "1out of 7 has became pregnant" i just forgot to remove gotten
Timur said:
lol yea i know that was error when i was rendering...
Btw in their site it said " 1 out of 7 has gotten pregnency" <<< this is what they said
but i changed it to "1out of 7 has became pregnant" i just forgot to remove gotten

Don't remove gotten... '1 out of 7 have gotten pregnant' works fine...

Nice PSA by the way...

Thank you..
Btw i just saw a trailer for behind the 9
its AWSOME! i love it
Btw what type of camera you used?

your great inspiration to me

btw where are you guys located?
Timur said:
Thank you..
Btw i just saw a trailer for behind the 9
its AWSOME! i love it
Btw what type of camera you used?

your great inspiration to me

btw where are you guys located?


We're located in Atlanta, GA

We used a High Def 24p Sony 750 camera.

Out DP owns it so I don't know much about the camera myself...I'm not a good Techhead...but I know that the camera gave us great stuff.

Keep it up,
It's time for STUPID QUESTION FROM POKE!!! The hilarious new game show where Poke shows how stupid he really is!

Okay, I've been biting my tongue about this for a while now, but it is time I stepped up and accepted the fact that I am just plain dumb.

All of the stuff on is in zip file, how do I get this to play? When I try to open the zipped file it asks me what program do I wish to open it in. When I scream at the monitor that I don't know, it doesn't do anything. When I try to be smart and open it in a media player it taunts me with error messages.

Help Indie Talk members, you're my only hope.

Ignorant in Texas
looks nice and professional, i like it, i would never have guessed the creator is 17 :) i hope to do some work like this maybe for side cash (hopefully) or just recognition... overall nice work
Doh! I thought it was going to be a short about young unwed mothers... and how to help them get started! :twisted:

Overall, pretty good. :) Was a bit difficult to hear the voices over the music, though.

Btw... did you follow up on that NYIIFVF from earlier? (Think that was you, with "Fate")
Nice short. Well done, though I agree with poke that some of the voices were really soft. BTW, how did you get the job? It's awesome that you mangaed to!