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My first film idea: Fireworks

Hey, so i've never made a film before, or written a script, ive never been into writing, and im the only one working on this project that can/wants to write, so yeah, its a pain in the ass aha.

Anyway, heres my idea, im not aiming for total uniqness, high budget or too much depth, just a kick ass cliche film.

So the film is set in the near future, where a new system, kind of like a rent-a-cop kind of thing has formed, these rent-a-cop teams usually work in groups, or some work alone, my story follows one group of 3 in particular.
The rent-a-cop system works similar to say, hit-men. You rent out these cop teams to find stolen goods, someone that has performed any kind of crime against you, they dont often do anything considered illegal, they'll either get them imprissoned, if if they're paid enough, will extort the stolen amount of money or items back to whoever hired the rent-a-cops.
The main protagonists are hired by one man who doesnt reveal his identity right away, but wants them to solve a case to do with a mass murderer who has an entire room full of photos of his victims, the rent-a-cop team dont know what this has to do with their employer, but they're offered a 7 figure sum to figure this out, to which they obviously accept.

thats the basic outline, feedback would be nice! if anyone would like me to post more of the story ill gladly do it!
It's an interesting idea, but it's not a story. I think the concept of privately run law enforcement could be a good way of exploring the relationship between people and the state, wealth and equality under the law, power and justice. However: you've set the scene, but anyone could do that. What happens in this story that makes it gripping? If you come back with a proper plot outline then more people may be able to help you out.
It's an interesting idea, but it's not a story. I think the concept of privately run law enforcement could be a good way of exploring the relationship between people and the state, wealth and equality under the law, power and justice. However: you've set the scene, but anyone could do that. What happens in this story that makes it gripping? If you come back with a proper plot outline then more people may be able to help you out.

what i have in mind at the moment, is that their current employer has also hired another team of cops, and for competative reasons rent a cop gangs dont really get along with each other.
so a ways worth through the film, 2 of the members are almost killed by disguised men, the second time around though, the man is caught, who turns out to be one of the rent a cops, so they break morals and hunt down and kill the other 2.
The possible reason for this is the employer had the other team employed for the sole reason of killing our main protagonists, maybe for personal reasons, or its simply a game, i haven't quite figured that out yet.
Hell, maybe to add some more content our villain will hire a contract killer to take out the main protagonists, and successfully kill 2 of them, leaving one to have our final western-type show down, the employee versus the employer
Hey, so i've never made a film before, or written a script, ive never been into writing, and im the only one working on this project that can/wants to write, so yeah, its a pain in the ass aha. Anyway, heres my idea, im not aiming for total uniqness, high budget or too much depth, just a kick ass cliche film. .... thats the basic outline, feedback would be nice! if anyone would like me to post more of the story ill gladly do it!

I think it's a cool concept. I'm not sure what kind of support you want. Since you are not writing a script, are you asking for someone to collaborate with you to write the story? Are you looking for advice on writing the script? You mention "[you are] the only one working on this project who ...", does that mean there are others working on this? What are their roles?

It sounds like you could have a nice anime project. It would be best to get the writer(s) and artists on board at the same time. What kind of budget are you considering? If live action, are you looking at lots of high tech with explosions ($$$) or something more low key, killer martial arts androids with rip away flesh electronics and industrial sabotage ($)?

And as much as I wish I didn't have to say this, you need to be cautious of just throwing your ideas out there. That doesn't mean you need to be paranoid, but be conscientious that ideas are not copyrightable. And if a story/script posted in a public forum without copyright notice or registration, it can easily fall into public domain.

Often writers create a storyline without thinking about the budgeting. When a script is purchased or optioned, the production budget will often dictate the needed changes. It sounds like you want to commission a script. If you are seeking a scriptwriter for your project idea, you might want to use one of the sub-forums for offers/services. Some writers will work for credit, others for money.
I think it's a cool concept. I'm not sure what kind of support you want. Since you are not writing a script, are you asking for someone to collaborate with you to write the story? Are you looking for advice on writing the script? You mention "[you are] the only one working on this project who ...", does that mean there are others working on this? What are their roles?

It sounds like you could have a nice anime project. It would be best to get the writer(s) and artists on board at the same time. What kind of budget are you considering? If live action, are you looking at lots of high tech with explosions ($$$) or something more low key, killer martial arts androids with rip away flesh electronics and industrial sabotage ($)?

And as much as I wish I didn't have to say this, you need to be cautious of just throwing your ideas out there. That doesn't mean you need to be paranoid, but be conscientious that ideas are not copyrightable. And if a story/script posted in a public forum without copyright notice or registration, it can easily fall into public domain.

Often writers create a storyline without thinking about the budgeting. When a script is purchased or optioned, the production budget will often dictate the needed changes. It sounds like you want to commission a script. If you are seeking a scriptwriter for your project idea, you might want to use one of the sub-forums for offers/services. Some writers will work for credit, others for money.

I'm a little ways through ACTUALLY writing a script, although im not really that good at writing, i was asking for feedback on the concept, seeing if it was worth doing and if its a good idea or not, i dont want to write the entire script just to be told by many people that its a bad idea.
I'm also running on a next to none budget, the only thing ill really be buying is suits, fake guns and 2 swords (sword fights are a guilty pleasure and you know it)
also, do you really think someone will offer to write a script for free? if it is free of charge, what quality script are we talking?
I'm a little ways through ACTUALLY writing a script, although im not really that good at writing, i was asking for feedback on the concept, seeing if it was worth doing and if its a good idea or not, i dont want to write the entire script just to be told by many people that its a bad idea.
I'm also running on a next to none budget, the only thing ill really be buying is suits, fake guns and 2 swords (sword fights are a guilty pleasure and you know it)
also, do you really think someone will offer to write a script for free? if it is free of charge, what quality script are we talking?

If you are planning to make your own production, any concept is a good concept. :) I understand your question. Most indie productions are the realization of someone's personal idea. What it seems that you want is to know if the idea is marketable and would be of interest to an audience. If you can convince someone to provide capital to help produce your idea, then it is marketable. If people actually sit through the film and/or would pay to watch it, then it is of interest to them. The two ideas are related to each other but not always co-occurring. Similarly, script quality and cost are related but not necessarily co-occurring. Actually, there are scriptwriters who will write it for credits or on contingency (if the film makes a profit, they get paid). Since it's your idea, you are probably the best person to write the script. After it's done, then it is easier to give you feedback on how to revise the script. If you don't think it's worth writing then don't. But if it enthuses you, then write it. Then share it so others can help you polish it.

I've read some good scripts that never get produced. It's hard to say what will be successful. You have a good concept. Now develop it.
It's hard to say whether or not your concept would make a good finished short because even if the concept is exceptional, the execution could fall flat on its face. If it an interesting concept that would make me want to know more? Sure. There are several stories that could come out of it and realistically several genres. Could be science fiction. Could be a thriller, or a character driven drama.

Like FSF said, a concept is not a story. For instance, at a high level, the main concept for Close Encounters was alien abduction. How many alien abduction movies have their been that weren't anything like Spielberg's?

Try this (with credit to Karl Iglesias). Put your concept into this framework to see how well you know your story:

(Title) is a (genre) about a (description of hero) who, after (inciting incident), wants to (outer goal) by (plan of action). This becomes increasingly difficult because (obstacles and complications).


(Title) is a (genre) about a (description of hero) who must (outer goal) or else (dire things will happen).


(Rain Man) is a (drama) about a (slick, angry salesman) who, after ( his father dies), wants to (get his inheritance) by (manipulating his brother). This becomes increasingly difficult because (his brother is autistic).

(E.T. The Extra Terrestrial) is a (fantasy) about a (lonely boy who befriends a stranded alien, and) who must (help him get back home) or else (the alien will die).