archived-videos My first film has been accepted into 4 festivals so far! - Bare Branches [1:02:40]


Make the best of them! A festival is just a venue 89%* of the time, so use them wisely.

*unofficial stat ;)
Congrats. Curious but don't some festivals you submitted to require the film not be put online? Is this just a trailer? I didn't watch before commenting. Hoping to share the smae news soon.

That first acceptance is quite a thrill, isn't it? I have had some success using FilmFreeway as a vehicle for finding and submitting to festivals. The website offers filters so that you can narrow the focus of your submittals to maximize your promotions budget. I have found Withoutabox to be less satisfying, but I have been told that registering with them gets you and your work into IMDB easier/faster.

Actually going to the festivals where your film screens is a gas. Hope you get to go to some.
Originally posted by Ned Daly:
I have found Withoutabox to be less satisfying, but I have been told that registering with them gets you and your work into IMDB easier/faster.

IMDB owns WithoutABox, and is in turn owned by Amazon. So yes, particularly when you're first starting out, WAB makes it faster/smoother to get a listing on IMDB.
Motox 24
I agree with the poster above who cautioned against putting the whole thing up on line. Undercuts the festivals and makes it too easy to appropriate. Looks like two of your festivals are on-line only and one is a "private" festival. Hard to have much fun there. I do applaud your marketing strategy of starting with free or low-cost submissions.

I was going to suggest submitting to lots of festivals, but if your success rate is already four out of eight, then what do I know. Why not take a shot at some NY/NJ festivals with live screenings and real audiences?