My first feature film trailer.

I recently finished the shoot for my first feature. I made it for under £200, with very limited resources.
I decided to put together a short trailer, it's just a collection of clips from one of the day shoots.

It'd be great if you could view it and if you like the look of it share it on facebook, twitter and such.

I've been asked by a few filmmakers to make a blog of some sort about how I managed to make the film. I imagine many of you have made a feature film with no budget, but if something like that is of interested let me know and I'll keep you posted.

Here's the link.
Two of them are a little soft. I stabilized them in post (windy day) and obviously it's had to scale up the image to compensate for the wobble.

I think the slight softness is better than the shake... ??
I think the blur looks (and probably was) a stylistic choice. Definitely fits the indie dynamic.

I think it looks very nice. Obviously it's a teaser and tells me nothing about the plot, but it's a good looking snippet.
It actually looks watchable, which can be rare in the indie world. Now hopefully the acting, sound, and story are in the same league!

Keep us updated!
Just wondering how can you have 12 days of shooting with that kind of budget? Even the catering would take almost that money or travelling to the location.

And yes your teaser looks quite nice, well done.
The cast and crew could have brought their own food, but yeah, I'd imagine gas money alone would eat up a big part of that.

Every indie filmmaker seems to define budget differently, I guess.

I once shot a music video in one day with just 3 people. Didn't go to the gas station, just drove to the location with a borrowed camera, didn't eat lunch, no other equipment. The budget would have been zero if we hadn't gotten a speeding ticket on the way there!