archived-videos My first extra-short

Short, but kinda cute

I really liked the choice of music to go with that. Very languid and relaxing, as that bullet races away. Nice contrast.

Did you ride a bike or just jog along, when "following" the bullet, btw?

Oh... and looking through the scope... were you focusing on/through the scope itself, or did you do that in a layermask?

Also... did you run that through some "film" type effect? Looks like there are some pseudo film-scratch marks at a few points, but I'm not really sure as they don't jiggle about like normal.

Braver than I am, standing in front of a rifle... loaded or not!
Good questions.
The music is the Buena Vista Social Club performing Murmullo.
I just walked down the 100 yard range and sped it up in FCP. I used a green screen to make it look like the bullet was flying.
I was focusing through the scope.
you may or may not be surprised to hear that I did this little project "spur of the moment" with my friends digital still camera that has the movie capability. All the effects you see are the natural poor handling of excess luma on the part of the camera.
The rifleman was my best friend. I trust him, but before I got in front of the gun, I made sure the bolt was empty and disengaged. I have seen many objects get torn to shreds by that gun.
Thanks, glad you liked it. Who's Left Eye Lopez? I'm noticing that I have a different production company name for each of my projects... weird, huh? In any case, that's that. Later

Very neat little short. Short is very's really short. I thought you might have had alittle more but that 50secs went by fast. Thanks for sharing it with us. ;)
Yeah. I've got a couple more of those little shorts, too. I like taking one event, and making it super dramatic by having about 5 camera angles on it. I do it as a joke, and I normally get a laugh out of my other ones. Anyways, i'm in the preproduction process of another feature length movie i'm going to flim this winter at my cabin in the woods. It's a really cool story. i'll let you guys know when I get it done. It'll take a couple months after i'm done shooting- i'm going to score it myself and whatnot. There's also some opportunity for me to use my green screen and do some compositing.


Lefteye said:
Yeah. I've got a couple more of those little shorts, too. I like taking one event, and making it super dramatic by having about 5 camera angles on it. I do it as a joke, and I normally get a laugh out of my other ones. Anyways, i'm in the preproduction process of another feature length movie i'm going to flim this winter at my cabin in the woods. It's a really cool story. i'll let you guys know when I get it done. It'll take a couple months after i'm done shooting- i'm going to score it myself and whatnot. There's also some opportunity for me to use my green screen and do some compositing.



Nice short... I'm so used to bullets moving a lot faster (in films) that your slower moving bullet was kinda cool... Not bad for a digital still camera...

If you shoot anything around here in Las Cruces and need a hand, let me know...

If I ever have a bounty on my head, I hope the bounty hunter uses that gun. Cause you wouldn't believe it if I told you, but I can run like the wind blows.

Seriously, good music. Cool that it was shot on a still camera. But like Hail said, it needed something more ... like maybe a chupycabra!

What, I can't shamelessly plug myself? I thought this was INDIE Talk.
