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watch my first experimental film.

What a strange film!

For some reason, it reminded me of the train-travel sequences in that film "2046".

I love atmospheric b&w. :)
haha you said it zensteve... a strange film indeed... i liked it though, the camera movements were smooth and easy to watch

btw zensteve, that smiley face animation could quite possibly be the greatest thing ive ever seen!!
Thanks for the feedback guys :)

This film is strange, even my actors ask me what the meaning of it. Actually when i wrote the script i didnt think much about the story, so in my mind i just want to concentrate on style not the form of the film. its like a dream sequence to me, just a random piece of picture. (in my humble opinion)

Once again thanks. I upload my other film next time.

@Zensteve : I like a lot 2046. Wong kar wai film has such romantic feel. His mise en scene are superb.

@duder23 : Thanks for ur compliment. I shot it with Sony VX2100. And using two straight track, for the dolly shot.

@Motorstorm : Thx. Maybe my grammar is bad :)
i watched this last week... and kept forgetting to come back and comment on it...

overall i loved the look and feel of the film... it was just fantastic... the cinematography was very good... beautiful black and white... also the feel of the editing and the music was very cool... felt almost dreamlike... some of the dolly shots were very cool...

the one thing i didn't like was the end... the angry guy who hits the main character just really really didn't work to me... the look on his face made it look like he should be in some dumb comedy, or a villain in a children's show... not a cool moody creepy short film... he kinda ruined it for me... just my opinion

but aside from that... i thought the film was fantastic...

Hello, im a filmmaker from Indonesia :)

This is my first experimental film, it was made back then when i applied for film school. Please leave a comment. The title is SEKTOR 1C


Thanks and good day to u all.

PS : Sorry for my bad English.


posted a comment but as usual it vanished into cyber space - this is what i said, that your film reminded me a little of Tarkovsky's 'Stalker'



costs :-o

I love to make my feature with film; but film in my country is very expensive :(

this is a growing problem - my experiments with Single 8 have basically stopped because of the costs - without Super 8 i would never have picked up a movie camera, photographic emulsion is what interests me. Film in Britain has disappeared, i mean there are no labs, everything is sent out to Continental Europe to be processed which hurts - by the time processing, postage and tax has been paid it is costing me 2 films for every 1 i send out :( It does help that i am an experimental filmmaker cos i am increasingly developing my own film, which allows a lot of creativity and 'happy accidents' that you can't really achieve in dv or analogue video, although i like experimenting with anything visual :)

best regards

Great film. I love experimental film shorts. The film had such a soft, smooth flow to it. It really helped keep my interest. Keep up the good work and keep us informed on how the feature goes.
thanks :)

Great film. I love experimental film shorts. The film had such a soft, smooth flow to it. It really helped keep my interest. Keep up the good work and keep us informed on how the feature goes.

many thanks cinemaguerrilla,

i have another more or less in the can, just waiting for the inspiration/right time to film the final scene - it will probably be less placid than Bryn Saeth, although it is still working around the theme of myth: and a big thanks to Kodak who continue to make Super 8 film - it's great! ;)

thanks again,

Great film. I love experimental film shorts. The film had such a soft, smooth flow to it. It really helped keep my interest. Keep up the good work and keep us informed on how the feature goes.

Thanks for the comment. I think David Lynch inspired me to make this film, but for type of shot and how the camera move; Alfred Hitchcock always be my biggest mentor :)

@Ric : Shooting on film is always be my desire :)

Thanks for the comment. I think David Lynch inspired me to make this film, but for type of shot and how the camera move; Alfred Hitchcock always be my biggest mentor :)

@Ric : Shooting on film is always be my desire :)

Alfred Hitchcock was a brilliant director although my favourite will always be Tarkovsky ;) have heard of David Lynch and 'Lost Highway' looks like an intriguing film!
