editing My first documentary

I am almost finished all my interviews for a documentary that I am making for my thesis..As it gets closer to the editing stage I would like to know what is the best way to go about editing with sound in mind. I hear alot about pro tools and soundtrack pro. If i were to use these softwares to edit sound along with final cut pro, in what order do you produce. do you ignore audio while editing the imaging in final cut, and then when the imaging part is done, sync all the audio to the exported video? using an external software for audio seems very complicated and time consuming with lip syncing but final cut just doesnt have any good audio features. the compressor isnt good and i still havnt figured out how to add buses or master tracks to put effects on all audio channels as opposed to just adding audio effects to individual clips...

Can anyone shed light on this??thanks
I would just suggest to go ahead and edit audio in Final Cut Pro. I see no real point to put everything into soundtrack. Unless you are going for an effect for just a couple of clips, you export those into soundtrack, but not everything. And plus if you were to export everything into Soundtrack, it would be to much of a hassle.