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watch My first Claymation

Hey, this is my first claymation video. Actually this is my first animation period,(Well I guess I shouldn't say that, I have done claymation and animation at school, but this is a first for doing in my free time) normally I do live action stuff. Anyway, tell me what you think!
Nice! As a fan of Wallace and Gromit, I've always wanted to try doing that. Half hour for 14 seconds, wow! That was nice little bit you have there-I don't know if I'd have the patience!
lol it deffinetly is time consuming but I just love the way it looks in the end...actually I rather enjoyed the process, I think I may continue trying claymation. Thanks for the feedback!
Also, I should note that part of the reason it took that long was because I had to edit the length of each photo since the method I used was actually taking pictures on the camera and then transferring them to the PC where I shortened them all to 3 frames each. Normally you would use a set up where you push a button that grabs one frame, and that doesn't take as long but I couldn't get it to work on my computer.
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