My film is under way

Ok guys my cgi film is on a roll. I'm directing a short cgi film and doing the camera animating for it and i've assembled a production team together to make a 2-3 minute chaotic offroad race featuring cars, bikes and a humvee basically the badass of the movie. Heres some cg work done for the movie so far. The next stage is to do some animation tests, before the main terrain gets built, although other team members are doing most of the modelling for the film i can't wait to get my teeth into the camera work/animating and not being restricted by speed or gravity. I have about a $1000 budget for this film which is coming out of my student money. heres some previous work i produced myself, modelled animated, rendered etc but fot this project i want it to be as professional as possible hence why i decied to assemble a team of cg artists. Heres some of the vehicles for the film so far. By the way i'm British, other members of the team are Tunisian, finnish, Cuban and American.
Looking good man. Is this a student project or a solo one? I go to a school that if you make something at the school, for a project, then it is theirs to use if they wish for things such as advertising, and marketing. IF it is a solo/indy/non-school project, I would keep it away from the schools computers just in case. This is also what some of my friends who work as lab instructors tell me.
i posted this so long ago, but anyway the film is currently on hold, its kind of a student project but i've been wanting to make a film like this for film festivals mainly to show off my directing in cg. but making this film will take longer than i planned originally, theres no skipping pre production