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watch My Digital Colorist Showreel

Hey guys,
I just completed my very first showreel and just thought
I would post it and see what the creative minds of Indietalk think of it?

I've been a filmmaker for about 5 years and I recently just got my first
IMDB credit (which I thought was pretty exciting) on a short film as a
Digital Colorist, and the experience made me want to get more work
in the field, so I thought it best to put together a showreel and
see what kind of a reaction my work gets.

So here it is;
My Colorist Showreel


I am looking for work, so if you like my showreel and are interested in
hiring me, please pm me :)

Also, please let me know what you think of the showreel...
whether good, bad or indifferent,
I'd love to get some feedback on it.

Thanks & have a great one,
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WOW!! that's amazing work. What did you use to do this with? Also was that all filmed by you as well?

Thanks very much... the footage itself is all open source footage, which has gotten me some negative attention, but I try to be as transparent as possible in the video description and anybody that asks... Since doing a showreel and making this post I have had a few job offers and landed a Colorist job this week alone... but I'm glad you enjoyed my work.
Thanks very much... the footage itself is all open source footage, which has gotten me some negative attention, but I try to be as transparent as possible in the video description and anybody that asks... Since doing a showreel and making this post I have had a few job offers and landed a Colorist job this week alone... but I'm glad you enjoyed my work.

Really? That's so weird... The more I've looked at other colorists work the more I see the commonly used open source material.

Of course we show our best colors on 4k stock footage, anything most of us have done is for small low budget stuff with bad filming to begin with haha
Really? That's so weird... The more I've looked at other colorists work the more I see the commonly used open source material.

Of course we show our best colors on 4k stock footage, anything most of us have done is for small low budget stuff with bad filming to begin with haha

Yeah haha, I could kind of see where they were coming from, but I had only done 1 colorist job (a no-budget short, shot at 720p) at the time I was doing a showreel and they thought I should be showing the work I have done, but the problem with their argument was that ALL of the grading in my showreel is my own work... and even though none of the footage is... I'm pretty sure the vast majority of professional colorists are grading OTHER people's footage anyway...

but whatever, I can understand their look at the ethics of it all, but the showreel has gotten me some job offers so I'm OK with any criticism with it, I just ask people to base their opinions on how the grades looks.
That is nice work. Really helped lift those shots. I tend to overgrade for peoples tastes. You certainly seem to know your onions :)

Thanks Paul... I'm glad you like the work, I do enjoy learning about onions lol... I tend to find that I overgrade the hell out of stuff to begin with and then dial it back until it looks natural... tis so enjoyable when the results get such a positive response :)
I got another job through this post and a second IMDB credit!!! Boom, indietalk is awesome!

If you have a project in need of some colouring love, message me and we'll work something out!!
Really? That's so weird... The more I've looked at other colorists work the more I see the commonly used open source material.
The reason you're seeing that more commonly is because people are using the same footage and playing with Resolve then putting together a reel and billing themselves as colorists. It's not necessarily true. Sure getting a great look out of well shot footage is important, but the hard stuff is working with and fixing poorly shot footage, that's the stuff the good colorists do, you're less likely to see open source shared footage on the reels of those colorists.

But hey, everybody has to start somewhere. Building a reel requires footage, and if you don't 'fake it' you can't usually get actual gigs to gather footage for a reel in the first place. I just hope those using this same footage everywhere are being upfront about their level of actual experience as a colorist before charging people a butt load of money.
The reason you're seeing that more commonly is because people are using the same footage and playing with Resolve then putting together a reel and billing themselves as colorists. It's not necessarily true. Sure getting a great look out of well shot footage is important, but the hard stuff is working with and fixing poorly shot footage, that's the stuff the good colorists do, you're less likely to see open source shared footage on the reels of those colorists.

But hey, everybody has to start somewhere. Building a reel requires footage, and if you don't 'fake it' you can't usually get actual gigs to gather footage for a reel in the first place. I just hope those using this same footage everywhere are being upfront about their level of actual experience as a colorist before charging people a butt load of money.

Yeah, it's very difficult to get work in this game, in general, if you have no work to show your skills. I did have to weigh up the ethical consequences of using free footage, it was more about marketing my skills on cinematic work rather than anything else, as you said, everyone needs to start somewhere, when I have enough work behind me I will eventually make myself a colorist reel of projects I've been a part of.

An idea I have had is to create a very short reel on each project and then create a combined showreel at the end of every year.
Looks nice, I like your choices. A couple of the shots especially had a nice film look to them after the grade (the one that really stood out in my mind was the one with the small watering hole?).

Out of curiosity, what do you use for grading? A standalone program like Resolve or SpeedGrade? Tools in AE/Premiere/Final Cut? Inquiring minds want to know!
Looks nice, I like your choices. A couple of the shots especially had a nice film look to them after the grade (the one that really stood out in my mind was the one with the small watering hole?).

Out of curiosity, what do you use for grading? A standalone program like Resolve or SpeedGrade? Tools in AE/Premiere/Final Cut? Inquiring minds want to know!

Hey, thanks for the compliments!!

I used to use After Effects for my grades, but it was too restricting and needed software like Mocha for tracking, making the process take longer than it should, so in the last few months I've been learning DaVinci Resolve and got to use that on my most recent project... so much better!!