> My Crowdfunding Experience

Crowdfunding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowdfunding

I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread dedicated to discussing our individual KickStarter & IndieGoGo crowdfunding experiences (in as much excruciating depth as bearable) so that we may all better understand the resource's limitations.

(Click on images to goto sites)

Anyone care to share their stories?

- Overall expectations going into the "Yes/Pursue" decision
- Pre planning
- What you received advice and were warned about before or during the campaign
- Campaign architecture
- What you were trying to (and not to) convey in the campaign?
- Nuances in the donor premium/reward structure
- Financial and attitude observations of family, immediate friends, long distance extended e-friends, strangers
- Donation expectations and observations
- Take aways
- How did X-input correlate with Y-response?
- What did people seem to "miss"?
- Surprises, good and bad
- Next time what would you repeat and what would you do differently?
- Would you try crowdfunding again?
- Alternatives

Thank you.


Anyone else finding this thread r-e-m-o-t-e-l-y enlightening?
Or are the outcomes pretty much what you'd expect or mayyyybe just slightly better or worse than expected?

I'm surprised at the number of popcorn-people that just pop up here for a singe "gimme money" post and... that's the last we're ever going to hear from them.
I find that sad.

Occasionally someone rolls in here already well under way towards their financial goal in their project campaign. Those I find particularly interesting.

And I want to take a moment to recognize the few people who've taken time to reply to the point and purpose of this thread: campaign education.

Nick -
By far, your report is the most comprehensive and well presented, not as a self aggrandizing blab-fest but as a "PEOPLE! PAY ATTENTION!" report of substance beyond what I could hope for.
Looking forward to 'Flight of the Flamingo.'

mckinise -
I think it's pretty cool that you've still hung around here after getting 'Lyncredible' successfully funded.
I'm also looking forward to seeing it. Any updates on the production's progress?

The Hazard Company -
You came . You Saw. You fell short. Then disappeared.
Where'd you go? Whatchuupto?

doovidooves -
What happened to you?
No posts since you got your funding for 'Buck Shot.'
I see from your KS page you're still plugging away on it.
"Update #3 ยท Sep. 14, 2012 : Don't worry guys, post production is well under way!"
What's you're 20 on that?
GL, everyone!
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Do you think you'd be able to change around some of the project colors based on their current status? Just for the sake of being able to sort them mentally more easily?

For Example:

In Progress
Partially Funded

If you don't have the time, no biggie, but I think it might help those of us following the progress on these things to be able to sift through the list more easily.
Do you think you'd be able to change around some of the project colors based on their current status? Just for the sake of being able to sort them mentally more easily?... I think it might help those of us following the progress on these things to be able to sift through the list more easily.
Although this thread seems to be getting plenty of views I'm not getting the impression the effort spent tricking out the color coding is warranted at this time.

Whether it's 88% go unfunded or 92% go unfunded is largely academic.

Orange for expired
Blue for impending
Black for upcoming

Andrew McCarrick -
Best of luck this go-round :cheers:

Well this is certainly the best fund raising campaign I've been on thus far. We're at $555 (1.1% of our goal) already. Of course nobody I know has actually donated, it's all been driven through other people (our writer and our lead actress). Kind of proves my point on why all of my other campaigns have failed... I just didn't know the right people.
I look forward to your final campaign evaluation. :yes:
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Andrew McCarrick -
Best of luck this go-round :cheers:

Well this is certainly the best fund raising campaign I've been on thus far. We're at $555 (1.1% of our goal) already. Of course nobody I know has actually donated, it's all been driven through other people (our writer and our lead actress). Kind of proves my point on why all of my other campaigns have failed... I just didn't know the right people.
Well this is certainly the best fund raising campaign I've been on thus far. We're at $555 (1.1% of our goal) already. Of course nobody I know has actually donated, it's all been driven through other people (our writer and our lead actress). Kind of proves my point on why all of my other campaigns have failed... I just didn't know the right people.

Unfortunately it looks like we've stalled out for the time being... stuck $750.

Our Finding Me thread: http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=43376
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I've finally started my Kickstarter for my first film. I'm only looking for $500. So, check it out if you'd like.

Who's There?

This seems premature.

I think you're approach is the right one: low budget, explain your situation, fixed funding campaign. However, you don't really talk about the film at all. You've written 7x as much text describing the rewards for your campaign as you have telling your audience what the film is.

Also, get a video up. Not only does it let you connect with your audience, but because of your tiny asking amount, you get put into a special Kickstarter category that promotes small projects with videos. That's an incredible opportunity.
This seems premature.

I think you're approach is the right one: low budget, explain your situation, fixed funding campaign. However, you don't really talk about the film at all. You've written 7x as much text describing the rewards for your campaign as you have telling your audience what the film is.

Also, get a video up. Not only does it let you connect with your audience, but because of your tiny asking amount, you get put into a special Kickstarter category that promotes small projects with videos. That's an incredible opportunity.

I just added the mid length synopsis.

That's something I'd like to do, if I can find time. Between school and work, I have only an hour or two of free time most days. I'd also like to recreate the project image when I get the time.

Thanks for the insight.
Just moving the list of current crowdfunding projects, arranged by maturity date, to the top of what I believe should be the seventh page:

(Please note the NEW links to thread contributors!! Karma, folks. Karma.)

Art of the Bag - A Speed Bag Story - sought $5,000 by May 31: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zazacast/art-of-the-bag-a-speed-bag-story

Buck Shot - sought $2,200 by Jun 01: Funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/895354198/buck-shot
>Report>> http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?p=272818#post272818

save BBOY for LIFE (the movie) - sought $20,000 by Saturday Jun 2: Funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/84723185/save-bboy-for-life-the-movie

INSPIRED: The Movie - seeking $75,000 by Saturday Jun 16: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1564946265/inspired-the-movie

cockroaches - seeking $80,000 by Sunday Jun 17: Funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roachtown/cockroaches

SUPEZ: BOOM OF YOUTH - seeking $5,500 by Tuesday Jun 19: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1657317425/supez-boom-of-youth
>Report>> http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?p=275374#post275374

Shake The Lake Movie - seeking $12,500 by Wednesday Jun 20: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1439379955/shake-the-lake-movie

To Survive - Post Apocalyptic Thriller - seeking $7,500 by Wednesday Jun 20: Funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/stephenfolker/to-survive-post-apocalyptic-thriller

'Hollywood: A People's History' - seeking $10,000 by Friday Jun 22: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1282298668/appear-in-a-movie-poster-in-hollywood-a-peoples-hi

Flamingo Close - seeking by Fri Jun 22: Funded http://www.indiegogo.com/flamingoclose

Lyncredible - seeking $3,500 by Friday JUN 29 - PROJECT MODIFIED to $500 by SUNDAY JUL 1: Funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lyndrick/lyncredible
>Report>> http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?p=274614#post274614

The Flight of the Flamingo - seeking $7,000 by Mon Jul 02: Funded http://www.indiegogo.com/flamingomovie
>Report>> http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?p=275381#post275381

The Crucible - seeking $15,000 by FRIDAY JUL 6: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/159844980/the-crucible-film?ref=email

The Suicide Theory - seeking $30,000 by Fri Jul 13: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/thesuicidetheory

Five Stages Of Michael - seeking $8,000 by Mon Jul 16: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/FSOM
http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?p=272200#post272200 :D

Pterodactyl Surprise - seeking $2,500 by Wednesday Jul 18: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/pterodactylsurprise

Gild the Lily - seeking $1,500 by Fri Jul 20: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/GildtheLily

Grim: A Tale of Death - seeking $16,000 by Mon Jul 23: Funded http://www.indiegogo.com/ataleofdeath

Kindred Spirits - seeking $2,200 by Sun Jul 29: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/kindredspirits

The Elder Scrolls Short Film Series - seeking $3,800 by Tue Jul 31: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/ElderScrollsSeries

This Is Why We Fight - seeking $30,000 by Tue Jul 31: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/thisiswhywefight

Premier Bundle - seeking $2,500 by Wed Aug 01 Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/premierbundle

Basement Bugs - seeking $31,000 by Thursday Aug 2: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/barnabybarrilla/basement-bugs?ref=search

King seeking $20,000 by Monday Aug 13: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/279069984/king-feature-length-film

My Dad is a Time Traveller - seeking $3,000 by Mon Aug 20: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/mydadisatimetraveller

Untitled Christmas Project - seeking $7,500 by Monday Aug 27 (Self Cancelled) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1475211802/untitled-christmas-project

Crawford and Oates - seeking $8,000 by Fri Aug 31: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/crawfordandoates

The Amber Project -
$110,000 by Monday Sep 3: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lakestreetfilms/the-amber-project

Clyde - The Webseries - seeking $8,000 by Thu Sep 06: In "draft" mode. ?? Presumably unfunded

Brain Eaters - seeking $850 by Friday Sep 7: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lovelydeadfilms/brain-eaters

ODD - seeking $4,000 by Sat Sep 08: Received Partial Funding http://www.indiegogo.com/odd?c=home

Trapped in Time 3D! - seeking $10,000 by Wednesday Sep 19 Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects...-a-time-travel-adventure-film-in?ref=category

Blew - seeking $4,000 by Saturday Sep 29 Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/703639991/blew

Bimbo Zombie Killers - seeking $6,000 by Tue Oct 02: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/BZK?c=home

The Dark Master: Battle in the Courtyard - seeking $250 by Saturday Oct 6 Self Cancelled

Sam's Story - is seeking $20,000 by Sunday Oct 7: Funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1759777461/sams-story-a-film-by-mae-catt

The Anachronist | A Steampunk Short Film - seeking $17,000 Sunday Oct 7: Unfunded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/timdan/the-anachronist-a-steampunk-short-film

A LESSON IN TORTURE - seeking $20,000 by Thu Oct 11: Unfunded http://www.indiegogo.com/alitmovie?c=home

The Cornfield Massacre - seeking $7,000 by Sat Oct 13 Received Partial Funding http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/238347

Club Vamporama Website and Promotion - seeking $1,000 by Fri Oct 19: Received Partial Funding http://www.indiegogo.com/vamporama-promo

* * * * * * * * E X P I R E D * * * * * * * * * *

OZONE - is seeking $8,000 by Friday Oct 26: Funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ozonproduction/ozone

Women Under The Influence - is seeking $55,000 by Tuesday Oct 30

Who's There? - is seeking $500 by Friday Nov 2

* * * * * * * * C U N C H - T I M E ! ! ** * * * * * * * * *

Paul and the Hooker - seeking $10,000 by Nov 4

Verona - seeking $7,000 by Tue Nov 06

Finding Me - is seeking $50,000 by Mon Nov 12 >> Lowered goal to $20,000 <<

DRAG HIM OUT! seeking $10,000 by Wed Nov 14

Blood Brothers - is seeking $4,000 by Mon Nov 26

Word, the feature film - seeks $35,000 by Tue Nov 27

Chloe - a short film seeking $500 in their Flexible Funding campaign by Sat Dec 01

You Should Be So Lucky seeking $15,000 in their Flexible Funding campaign by Fri Dec 07

Wasp - seeking
$150,000 by Fri Jul 05, 2013

A few of those have concluded or are about to.
Anyone care to share their experiences?

For those of you still running I hope this post brings another round of attention to your projects! GL! :yes:
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1. Crowdfunding is not panhandling from strangers.
2. Don't go to HomeDepot and ask other customers there looking for supplies for their own home projects to fund your home project. Likewise...
3. Ensure that you provide a meaningful product to your customers. Even churches know this.
4. No one gives a sh!t about making anyone else's "dream come true." (Excuse me while I vomit here. BLECCCHHHT!!!!)
5. Identify your film product's customers. SPECIFICALLY who are your film product's viewers? What are your film product's competitors producing? What makes your film product special or unique?
6. Provide a film product customers want - and will pay for/donate/financially support!
7. Don't tell potential donors you're going to spend their money on your toys, (cameras and equipment.)
At the link click on the "Total Revenue" column heading: http://www.forbes.com/lists/2011/14/200-largest-us-charities-11_rank.html
Does the YMCA ask people to donate money so that they can build a better corporate office?
8. Tell potential donors you're paying people to do work.
9. Involve donors early, even in the creation process. (Not at the last d@mn second.)
10. Set up dedicated accounts for the four biggest social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger/Wordpress. Keep people involved. Let them know how THEIR input is helping THEIR project that YOU'RE producing.

Expect to spend and EQUAL amount of time marketing and promoting your film project+crowdsourcing as you do actually working on the project start to finish, not just before filming.

FTW: Plan projects three deep so that the current project ties into the following project and so forth.

BONUS!: http://www.theclapperbored.com/2011/10/16/indie-cinematographer-crowdfunding/

Also: http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=38636
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It's been a while since one of these recent projects hit their stated goal, although a couple of them have received "partial funding". :rolleyes:
I divided between principle and practicality on this particular item.
I dunno. Wish I did.
Maybe some point-counter point would be good.

OZONE seems to has made a great push to get their project funded.
It looks interesting.
However, at only three posts to this forum I'm concerned we'll never again hear from the organizers.
Their experiences and process would be valued. :yes:
Why 'Crowdfunding' May Not Be Path to Riches
""A lot of people think Kickstarter is a pot of gold," said Eric Corl, co-founder of Fundable, a company that's applying crowdfunding to the venture capital process. But crowdfunding doesn't make raising capital easy. "It makes it easier," Corl said.

As the seed-funding space continues to change and mature, the bottomline so far is: even crowdfunding is a lot of work. Most campaigns raise the first 20 to 30 percent of their total goal from friends and family, said Danae Ringelmann, co-founder of Indiegogo. Entrepreneurs then have to roll up their sleeves and tap their entire network."
