archived-videos My animated feature

'sup, good grafikdon! :cool:

I hit the "Trailer" link, and a weird jumbled set of characters came up. :(

The stills looked pretty cool.

(Here's what I see on trailer page, btw... just part of it though. Lots of jumble)

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Welcome to Indietalk, Grafikdon! I viewed your site and the stills are beautiful. Zen mentioned a prob with viewing the trailer, is it up yet? How much have you completed of the work? I'd be interested in watching your progression through production to distribution as I'm working on an animated feature also.

Looks like a fascinating piece!
Nice trailer! You should add the .wmv file extension so it downloads/streams properly.

There were a few parts where the dialog was sketchy - squished by the music track and fading in and out, though that could just be the compression at work.
Thanks fellas.

There was a problem with alright. @Spaulovitch, I noticed the wmv extension missing on Dreamveaver so i fixed it and loaded it upo again. It should stream properly now. @ Zensteve, those weird characters freaked me out. Glad you liked the stills, the trailer should be fine now.

Hey bird! I"m happy to know you're working on an animated feature, is there a link where I can check out your stuff?

Actually, the movie's been completed and I am only adding the finishing touches to at least minimize the loose ends. Hopefully it will be done in the next three weeks. The length is approx 59 minutes.
Here's the direct link. (Still getting jumble on the actual link)

Spaulovich had the right idea. :cool:


The sound is shredded (hopefully just on the .wmv compression)...

...but wowzas!! That is some fantastic animation!

Even the night-time shadows are where they should be. It's like high-end Japanese animation, in an African setting. This is a great piece of work.

The trailer is nicely cut, to boot.
The animation seemed a bit stiff to me. And the Voice actors sounded as if they were reading instead of acting.

Is this for the children's market? If so, I like the idea of making an animated film that teaches kids about other cultures.

Okay, loading the trailer as we speak (I figure about an hour and a half).

Grafikdon, I have a site registered and parked ( until I figure out how to get everything there. It's traditional cel, so I have about 35,000 cels. Thanks for asking!