Music video.

Hi, I have been asked to shoot a music video, and I would be pleased if anyone could give me some advice.

The theme of the song is depression and hopelessness, it's very cliche and is ultimately about a suicide note, written after a bad relationship. I was wondering if a narrative film surrounding the suicide note would be too cliche. I had an idea, I wanted to have an opening shot of someone writing a note (I found a dingy little spot local to me that would be a good location). Then the video would contain shots mostly shot in a local woodlands, such as panning shots of the protagonist walking past, close-ups of the protagonist walking with the camera on him etc, then cutting back to the guy writing the note in between certain shots, then at the end cutting to the man finishing off the note, and fading out. The shots of him walking etc are shots of him walking around, trying to find a good location to write his note. This would be shot in black and white. I haven't quite planned all the shots yet, as I have been put off of the idea by someone saying a male protagonist would be far too cliche. What's your opinion? Is a narrative story, being represented by a male protagonist and directly relating to the lyrics a bad idea? Do you have any suggestions regarding representing the lyrics using a different narrative?

All ideas and criticisms welcome.
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