Music Video Techniques

Hi all, i am media student at my local college and in my second year of the course.

I going to be in pre production of a music video in the next couple of weeks. I have some ideas down, like its going to be black and white, have 2/3 storylines going on,emoitonal etc.

The choose for video is ' Funeral For A Freind' - 'History'

I will be using a canon xm2 to film and apple mac g5 and final cut 4 to do edited it. I am intrested in what methods/techniques are used in professional music video, e.g. lighting, camera shots, how it edited, zooms, effects etc. anythink that is useful, to able the video to be a sucessfull production.

I would like to make the whole video look as pro as i can, so any help i will be really greatfully.


Jonny, UK
Hey Jonny, welcome to indietalk!

Things like lighting, camera shots, how it's edited, zooms, and effects are not standard and are what separates each director, editor and DP. Rather than use the techniques I use (or anyone else), you should use the techniques YOU feel is best for each moment.

I've done several in black and white (The Call, James Harmon Band) - it's one of the few mediums where you can still use it commercially.

Just get out there and start shooting - feel the music, let it dictate what shots and effects work.