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watch Music Video I directed and edited for my band

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to get some input from you guys, as I've been following some of the threads on here, and I'm really impressed by the positive nature of this forum.
Essentially, this is my own band's first ever music video - and it was my first attempt at really making a video. We are really happy with how it turned out, and I think we captured what we were going for. But - for future reference, I'd love to get some input from you guys.
Thanks so much for your time,
Very hard to watch...the smash cuts yank at my eyes and make me jump all over the place. Actually made me dizzy. On your lingering shots, just a small bit of movement (even a "post" slow-slow-slow zoom will do) will go a long way to keeping the feel of the video sort of melancholy.

The biggest problem I have is that the video doesn't seem to match with the music and, to be honest, it really feels like you shot a much of shots you thought were "cool" and mashed them all together. Whether or not that's what happened, that's what it feels like to me.

"The biggest problem I have is that the video doesn't seem to match with the music and, to be honest, it really feels like you shot a much of shots you thought were "cool" and mashed them all together. Whether or not that's what happened, that's what it feels like to me."

I realize that you stated "Whether or not that's what happened, that's what it feels like to me," but I would like to say that "Alternate Space" was very much planned out visually before we even shot. We went into the shoot knowing specifically what we wanted to capture, all in terms of the meaning of the song. I know that at the end of the day it's up to the viewer to determine his or her own opinion on it - and that's okay. I won't bore you with a long summary of every little detail of why this or that or why the flashes (because I'm sure that you don't want me to do that haha :) ) - but just know (perhaps for my sake, as well as the artistic integrity of the project) - that it wasn't just a compilation of "cool" shots. It was much more thoughtful than that.

But, I appreciate your criticism.

Thank you for the compliment on our music and for even watching our video. (Even though it made you dizzy. :D )
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"The biggest problem I have is that the video doesn't seem to match with the music and, to be honest, it really feels like you shot a much of shots you thought were "cool" and mashed them all together. Whether or not that's what happened, that's what it feels like to me."

I realize that you stated "Whether or not that's what happened, that's what it feels like to me," but I would like to say that "Alternate Space" was very much planned out visually before we even shot. We went into the shoot knowing specifically what we wanted to capture, all in terms of the meaning of the song. I know that at the end of the day it's up to the viewer to determine his or her own opinion on it - and that's okay. I won't bore you with a long summary of every little detail of why this or that or why the flashes (because I'm sure that you don't want me to do that haha :) ) - but just know (perhaps for my sake, as well as the artistic integrity of the project) - that it wasn't just a compilation of "cool" shots. It was much more thoughtful than that.

Kinda weird. I watched this a few days ago, and spent some time thinking about it. Was coming back to post a response virtually identical to Abaci's. Since it's already been addressed, I'll just scratch my head and agree that, yes, it is a great song. :)
What everyone else said:
Fantastic music.
Buncha (well shot) random images (half are interesting) nonsensically mashed together.

Now, if you're deliberately trying to spit in the face of convention then fine. I can respect that.
Otherwise, even music videos often carry two stories, one of the performer doing his/her/their thing overlapping a loosely suggested (and that's a genuine delicate balance between "suggested" and "incoherent") story the song is vaguely about or relevant to.
Not always.
But most often.
It's something around a 50/50, 40/60, 30/70 split.

If you wanna go crazy, have two "stories" intersect. They can be strictly two stories independent of the musicians doing their thing - or - the story and the musicians doing their thing can intersect.

Maybe Mod Social can pick up the 24th JB film! ;)
Wow, the music is pretty damn retro, but in the best possible way. Good mix too.
The video was ok, some things that have been already said made it a bit odd (the jump cuts made me dizzy too).

Good job!
Well, it looks like there is a resounding interest in more coherence. Who would've thought? :)

I'm glad that each of you reached out to express that. I didn't quite understand what Abaci was saying (communicating through the internet will create that disconnect sometimes!). I'm happy that each of you decided to more or less agree with him and to explain it further.

Thank you rayw for putting it the way you did. "Alternate Space" is definitely one of those "Just because it makes sense to me (as the maker) doesn't mean that it will make sense to anyone else." Specifically due to the abstract nature of what I did. I appreciate your 50/50, 40/60, 30/70 split suggestion. For our next video endeavor, I'll see what I can do in terms of those splits.

But, thank you all so much for watching the video, taking the time to write back to me, and your support of the music. I really appreciate it.
Nice stuff! I liked the abstract nature of the video, but I like music videos of that style. Good work, and hey, good to see other musicians in Pittsburgh! Do you guys do shows often/at all?
Nice! I liked the song, I liked the video. I'm not in the the fast cuts and "random images nonsensically mashed together" made me dizzy boat. I pretty much like it just the way it is.

Edit: Well, watching it a second time, I guess the rapid fire cuts do get to be a little bit of a workout for me too. But I still like it overall. It's just...I guess I might have liked you to linger a little longer on this or that frame/scene/composition maybe a little more, here and there, to give me a little rest, I guess...then perhaps sprinkle it with those fast cuts. Just an idea, of course.

Good work, especially being your first video!

Keep making videos, and keep sharing them here. =)
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I talked to Josh (my bandmate) about all of your positive input regarding our music. Thank you from both of us. This is a total DIY project - we've written, recorded, mixed and mastered all of the music ourselves - we are extremely appreciative.

We're also grateful that each of you have taken the time to watch our video and give us feedback in order to improve our next visual endeavor - which will be for a track called "Panic." I'm going to see what I can do with the advice I've been given.

JoshL - We are in the rehearsal process at the moment. We're hoping to line up shows for the winter after the EP is completed. :) Do you play out in the 'burgh and surrounding areas often?

Thanks again, everyone.