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Music Composer looking for collaborations


My name is Shan and I'm a passionate music composer. In my life I created music of all genres and styles. More information about me can be found at http://shanatelier.com/about.html

Lately I gained interest in composing movie scores since they open new ways of expressing emotions and action via medium which is sound. I find it very insipiring. It demands more commitment and skill than composing regular music aired on the radio.

I'm interested in any collaborations. As I stated before, I have experience in creating various types of music, so just tell me what you want, I can make it happen. Apart from that, if you need me to create a concept of music for your scenes, I can do that too.

I own high quality hardware and software to provide professional sounding tracks. I also have experience in mixing and mastering sound.

Here you can find my music:

Here are examples of my music that would fit a movie:

Contact me!