Murder, Inc - Looking For A Bigger Image

Hi, I found this movie, made back in the 60's yet I couldn't find any other bigger image then the one below.

I really want a bigger version of this bad boy. Also, does anyone know if this was the original cover for the movie? Or was it touched up or re-designed for the DVD?

Lol, thanks but I was talking about the DVD cover...

Aww I see. Thanks for that then. But I was really wondering who created the DVD cover for the DVD version of it. Did they retake an image and touch it up or something? Or is it some sort of an archived image they used?

temporal bigotry raises its ugly head.. tisk tisk..

does anyone know if this was the original cover for the movie?

In 1960 movies came in huge round metal cans with hand written labels.


Chances are you never saw one, unless your were in the biz.
I don't see any "picture below" in the original post.? . is this the DVD cover your talking about?


Awesome image, but looks like a composite\painting to me..
I don't see any "picture below" in the original post.? . is this the DVD cover your talking about?


Awesome image, but looks like a composite\painting to me..

Hi, yup... Thats the one. And it looks epic! I would be suprised if it was done on a simple scale, becuase it looks like a lot of work was put into it. I wish I could find a larger, A4 size image. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?