Mumbai attacks... A film

Friends i hope you remmebr that i am from pakistan. And i also hope that you are aware of mumbai attack. I know this forum is completely related to filmmaking. Just wanted to share that even MUMBAI attacks was also a film not planned by us. I know you people will be thingking that why i am posting this topic here.

Well the only reason is that i am the only member here from pakistan and friends over here will be certainly reading these news that it was all done by us. And you might be thinking in a negetive way about my country. Thats why i am posting a link which tells about many loop holes of this Indian Drama. I apoligise in advance to the management for this post but i couldnt stop myself as i take this forum as a important part of my life and when there is something very important going on in my life i feel like sharing it. I again apologise for it.

DO see the link


You will be thinking that why this drama has been played by Indian government. Well there are answer to this. If you guys will be interested i will post another link.

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Thanks for sharing.

I'd hope people are reasonable enough to know the difference between the citizens of a country and the elements of violent extremist groups within. Then again, look what happened with Iraq.

Sadly it is greed, blind faith and nationalism, stupidity, ignorance and misunderstandings that cause these things... which, (bringing it back to film) film does have the power to prevent!

If you think about it, taking someone into another person's life during extraordinary circumstances is the very basis for most films. From that comes an understanding of different perspectives and situations.. and how the characters either solve or don't solve their problems informs the audience by example.

Something as simple as a fictional movie could have the power to inspire millions towards common understanding and good. That's pretty cool, if u think about it...
To blame Pakistan as a whole would be ignorant. But, unfortunately, people are prone to stereotype. Don't worry, Adeel. I would never have lumped you into that extremist category and I hope nobody here would. With your art, your ambition and your geographical location, you are in a unique position to help set the world straight. Share the voice of truth and reason.

And I work in an industry where I have friends who were directly affected by this tragedy. The husband of one of my co-workers was in the region at the time.
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Adeel, I haven't seen anything here that would suggest to me that you support these current activities. No worries from me.

I am very disturbed by the events in Mumbai. Any loss of life saddens me...especially if it's caused by others trying to prove something. My entire view of the world is that we all have the responsibility to help others regardless how I feel about them.
Spatula as you talked about the perspective of ither guts. Well in begining even i was thinking that these are some terrorists groups from our side. Because in Northern Areas our army is in war with these groups. SO i thought that it is possible that few of these groups have gone to INDIA to create a mess. But videos like this and the hidden facts are loop holes rae telling that every thing what we see is not plain and clear to believe. There are hidden stories.

And thanks to Vpturner and Knightly

fo being so nice.

Well even we the general public of pakistan felt sad for the incident. Infact on many networking forums many pakistanis were contacting their Indian friends ..... But i really felt sad that My country is already sufferinf so much by helping US in WAR. The condiiton of general public is becoming worse every day. But still the Media instead of acting sensibally just started pulling our legs. They were not even sure what to say.On one side they say our government was involved..............then they say it wa s aplan by ISI..........and then they say these are from terrorists group........

I know Human Blood is very precious. I have on every forum CONDEMN about this incident. But why doesnt Media play its role positively . It hurts me not only as a pakistani but as a victim of unfavourbale conditions which we are suffering from while fighting against these terrorists. pakistan is number # 1 now in sueside attacks. That mean the number of suiside attacks in my country is more then other countries even leaving IRAQ and Afghanistan behind. And still after suffering so much, getting 1000s of innocents killed in my country i as a pakistani get elegations.

Anywas i am thanksfull to all of you.

MAY ALLAH create peace in whole world and make our lives peacefull.

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Just want to make it clear Adeel. I do not lump you in with this craziness. The people that committed this horrendous thing are extremists. You my friend, you're Pakistani. I'm Dominican. We are equal. We are not extremists.


Thanks a lot friend.

Well if you dont mind can i ask you from which country you belong. I mean as you said you are Dominican i got interested to know of which country this nationality is.

Lots of regards to all of my friends.
Dominican Republic. It's part of a Caribbean island that is split between Haiti and Dominican Republic.