Movies based in Philly? Or location in Los Angeles that looks like Philly?

Does anyone know of any movies that are based around downtown Philadelphia? I'm the location scout for our next short film and it's supposed to be based in Philadelphia but I've never been there myself. So, I was hoping to research photographs, movies or whatever so I can know what to look out for. So if anyone has any suggestions with that then that would be great.

Also, if there's anyone that is familiar with Los Angeles and knows of places near the South Bay area that we can possibly shoot that would be extremely helpful as well.

Thanks everyone!
I live right outside Philly now, and have lived in LA. I have shot in both places. You won't find anything in CA resembling downtown Philly. We have Independence Hall, The Art museum, City hall, The Rocky satue and Love monument, which are all famous and noticeable landmarks in the downtown area. Short of stock footage or having someone shoot the B roll footage for you.. you might want to consider hopping on a Southwest flight and shoot what you need yourself. Philly has a very distinctive look that will be tough to fake. Once you get your establishing shots than you can surely fake some locations, especially interiors that you can set decorate with some Philly flavor...

What are you shooting on?