Movie that made you want to make films?

For me, it was actually the video game FatL Frame. Ive always loved movies (growing up with Star Wars and such), then I got into horror movies, but the American ones were just not scary for me after the age of say...10. So I found asian horror movies which I still love. I've played video games since Colico-vision(sp?) And Atari, so when I saw a Japanese horror style video game.... I had to play it. It was the first video game that a,tually scared me, and I wanted to make a movie of it cus the story was so good. But alas, Dreamworks had already bought the rights and now that project is in production hell since like 2005... So I'm doing my own fan film of it anyway.
I'd have to think harder to figure what particular movie inspired me. Hey, perhaps no particular one. Because I, like I'm sure everyone else here, grew up loving movies in general. But, I guess I just knew that my making movies was pie in the sky dreaming --just not gonna happen.

I think instead of pointing to a movie, I'd point to a couple of other developments that made me think seriously about the possibility.

Firstly, a while back an acquaintance very kindly invited me to a Wis-Kino viewing of shorts created in a 48 hour cabaret. Seeing that, I was like, wow! I went to a couple or a few more of those such screenings. But, I never did get involved beyond that. But it did show that, hey, us little people could do this stuff.

Curiously enough, that same acquaintance later assured me that I must not pursue filmmaking. There are so many people filmmaking now, he said, and they can do it better. It's best not to try. You should pursue other things.

The other thing that encouraged me to think of it, and with which we're all familiar, is the march of technology. The march of computing power and other technological advances putting previously unavailable means into the hands of the little guys and gals.
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That's not even debatable, man.

Oh, it's very debatable. :P

But to answer your original question, I don't really have one movie that made me want to make movies. I remember dreaming about it, when I was a child. But then I didn't actually do anything about trying to realize that dream until well into my adulthood.

There is one movie, however, that recall being the first one that basically made me crap my pants from sheer awesomeness. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! I was at the perfect age for that movie (9 years old), and as soon as I left the theater, I wanted to turn around and watch it again. And then I spent the next few years pretending to be Indiana Jones!