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watch Movie Movie Death

Hello this is my most recent film project for my video class. I would love any type of feedback I can get to make things better. The task of this project was that we had to draw to genres out of a hat and create a story and video that worked. I got Horror and Comedy so I think It worked out. So just tell me what you like dislike and what I can improve thanks a bunch!

That was freaking hilarious. At least twice, I thought you were going in a certain direction. Didn't happen. Great sense of humor.

The low budget look + decent FX actually sold it. Really good job!
Hey thanks. Yeah and I think the low budget look came from acctually haveing no budget haha. In high school a budget is something i dont have because of no money. haha. Thanks again!
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Hey thanks. Yeah and I think the low budget look came from acctually haveing no budget haha. In high school a budget is something i dont have because of no money. haha. Thanks again!
You overcame with humor and creativity. That's even better than perfectly shot with perfect lighting with perfect actors. If there is no creative edge, it sucks period.

No thanks necessary.