I have to say that I'm always a little shocked when people run into major difficulties with actors.
Before I shot Woolies I shot a short film called The Samurai which, in all honesty, is unlikely ever to see the light of day. What equipment did I have? 550D, kit lens, tripod, basic sound equipment. No lights or anything which resembled a serious production. I didn't do auditions I just posted a casting call and spoke to a few of the actors before I felt like I was speaking to someone who was genuinely interested and excited about the project. I only needed two actors for that but they both showed up on time and for free (along with a sound woman who also did it for free, she even refused expenses) and the whole thing ran smoothly (until I got into the editing suite).
I had one problem in shooting Woolies that was of my own engineering, not the actor's fault. I managed to rectify it and it all went well. Everyone turned up, was nice, humble and talented and the thing ran smoothly.
I often assume that it's been easier for me because I'm in London and it's one of the world's biggest cities but you're in New York which is pretty much the same size as London. Something is obviously going wrong between the point of you meeting the actors and you getting them in front of a camera.
polfilmblog, I know people who've had actors flake, of course, but the majority of people I know from either film school or from just indie projects in London haven't had any serious problems with actors flaking. I would imagine it's harder to get actors in bumblefuck nowhere because there's more competition for jobs and all the serious actors will have moved to the filmmaking centres of the country (NYC, LA, London...etc).
I just don't think you can make these wild accusations about the actors and actresses who've dropped out of your film without considering that there might be a fundamental flaw in your production. Actors are dropping out, Kickstarter didn't work and you seem to be very focused on props and costumes, so there has to be something that's not working properly about this production. It cannot simply be blamed on actors dropping out.