I have a dilemma regarding to the storyline of one of my future screenplays. Specifically, the issue is when the main character uses a technology to travel back in time in order to interact with an important biblical figure, to obtain some answers. Would this be too much or would it be ok? Should I alter the storyline? Thanks for answering!
First, just because you write a screenplay doesn't mean it will be produced, any more than writing a poem or short story guarantees that it will appear in a published anthology. So, by all means, write it as you choose. It's best not to stifle a creative idea. Pursue it and develop it. Writing it for yourself can be helpful.
Once it is written, then you can ask yourself the more difficult questions. How does this portray the religious figure--positively or negatively? Is this likely to intentionally or inadvertently offend others? What is really the point of the story and what is essential?
As we've seen recently, the intention is far more incendiary than content. Whether Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, or any religious figure is the subject, it is purposeful defamation that is far more likely to have repercussions. Respectful treatment is important the more revered the figure.
Getting back to your question involving time travel. How the character gets back and becomes a confidant of the figure isn't so much an issue as the treatment. I'd find it interesting to have someone travel back in time and experience a religious leader firsthand. You want to handle it respectfully so as not to grossly offend or incite believers.
It's best not to censure your idea prematurely. Putting it on paper isn't an offense to anyone. Once written, refine it. You should run it by readers who, you feel, can give you thoughtful feedback on the content before you consider submitting it. It may mean making changes. At that time, you have your decision. Do you want to produce it as is, produce it with changes, or just keep it as a writing exercise on the back shelf. It's going from paper to screen where you need to weigh your choices. Best wishes.