Moral of the story

Recently (this morning actually) a girl who went to my school was found dead. Apparently, she had been caught drinking by her mom and was so upset that she overdosed on pills and died overnight. All that I have to say about this is to follow your dreams and don't let anything stop you. She was a good girl too up until recently. She fell into the wrong crowd and things eventually spiraled. I doubt you guys care about this story but I was friends with the girl and now I feel an empty feeling inside like I want to get all of my friends and do everything we have always wanted. I like the feeling/ambition but I hate why I have that feeling. I just wanted to say to you guys that you should never lose your ambition and make sure that you have a dream and that you never let that dream go. The girl and I had speech class together so we really got to know a lot about each other's hopes and dreams... she wanted to be a psychologist :(
Of course we care. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Life is a tricky thing. I assure you, she had problems much greater than being caught drinking. I think you have a healthy attitude about this, and I hope you remember her well.
Of course we care. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Life is a tricky thing. I assure you, she had problems much greater than being caught drinking. I think you have a healthy attitude about this, and I hope you remember her well.

Thanks. I just needed somewhere to talk about my feelings and I didn't wanna go to facebook or twitter. Everyone was grieving there and I didn't want to add to that