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watch Monotono - Short Film

Me and my filmmaking partner whipped together this little short in about 2 days haha. We didn't expect it to be anything significant or good, it was out of boredom. When I finished editing it, it turned out much better than I thought. A quick synopsis of it: It's about a man who goes through his daily, monotonous routine until he reaches a breaking point. I sent it into a short film festival in new york, it was a cheap entry fee. I'm looking for more festivals and some interest me. Would this be considered an experimental film or narrative? and is it good enough to even send anywhere? Its only 3:45, wont take much out of your time. feedback is greatly appreciated.

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I think I'd call it "experimental", since there's not much of a narrative. Unlike most "experimental" films, in my opinion, this one actually makes sense. The repetitiveness of your imagery effectively conveys the message you're going for -- I get it. Dude is bored because it's the same-ol-same-ol, every day. It might be more effective if you could show more of his day, though -- more than just getting ready for work.

I think you can cut it, some. The repetitiveness gets a little too, uh, repetitive. Also, the ending was a bit confusing. The way it's edited, to me it seems like a random accident that he got into. There's no indication for me to see that he took matters into his own hands. Perhaps a drastic change in audio and pace of editing would help clarify this?

You've got copyright issues. The smaller issues you can probably get away with are the logos, like Tazo. The larger issue, that you probably can't get away with is the music. You need copyright clearance for the music.

Also, you should fix your white-balance. It's off in quite a few shots. Not too late to fix this.

Cheers! Nice work.
Thank's for the constructive criticism, I really appreciate it.

I need help with the music because I looked up royalty free music and I found composers that are domain free because of the age of the pieces of music. They over a certain amount of years. The music I used was a piece by Vincenzo Bellini (who was on the list of public domain musicians/composers). Is this still not good to use? Also, thanks for pointing the other smaller copyright issues, I never even thought of that.
Thank's for the constructive criticism, I really appreciate it.

I need help with the music because I looked up royalty free music and I found composers that are domain free because of the age of the pieces of music. They over a certain amount of years. The music I used was a piece by Vincenzo Bellini (who was on the list of public domain musicians/composers). Is this still not good to use? Also, thanks for pointing the other smaller copyright issues, I never even thought of that.

While the original composition may now be public domain, the recording is almost certainly not. It'd be quite alright to record your own version (or get clearance for an existing recording) - it's just like an audio book isn't free to use, even if the novel was written centuries ago.
While the original composition may now be public domain, the recording is almost certainly not. It'd be quite alright to record your own version (or get clearance for an existing recording) - it's just like an audio book isn't free to use, even if the novel was written centuries ago.

What he said. When music is in the public domain, it's only the written music that is free to use.
Bit of a daft question, but how could somebody tell if it were their performance of a classical piece? Surely, so long as the piece is played exactly as it was written, nobody could tell? I don't know much about classical music, but do different orchestras play pieces in different keys?
good question, i think while there is no vocal which is recognizable probably you could get away with it unless there are experts (and actually picks it up down the line) who can recognize which label recorded that particular music
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