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watch Monkeys In Space "Supermodel Suitcase" (NSFW)

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I've posted on here. Sorry for my lack of participation. I plan on engaging more with filmmaking forums because it seems you get very little feedback on social networking sites.

I've created a new music video for a local band that I've created videos for in the past. This is a music video about hollywood tragedies. The song was written about a supermodel who was murdered and stuffed into a suitcase.

Let me know your thoughts. Thank you.

Monkeys In Space "Supermodel Suitcase" (Music Video)
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not bad but it really makes it look low budget having the band playing in the corner of someones house like that.

gotta spice up their stage and lighting somehow
It's okay but far from great.

The band playing in a basic looking room/garage with fast cutting and clips thrown in.

Lighting was basic.

Be careful using clips - I presume you did not get permission to use them.