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Mod-Life.Com Relaunch - Phase 1

I've got a large monitor and the background repeats:

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Site looks good. Although I really hate sites where everytime I click on something another window pops up. It's verry annoying. You should have the information feed into the body, not a separate window.
Phil -- looks like you are still having the same problem.

Try inserting this code in between the <head> </head> elements of your page.

<style type="text/css">
background-color: #004080;
background-image: url('images/masterbackgroundJPG(flat)5copy.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: top left;


Then remove the -- background="images/masterbackgroundJPG(flat)5copy.jpg" -- code from your <body> tag.

Or as an alternative, you could do the following:

Cut out all of the blue margin around your background graphic
Set your body background to be just blue (#004080)
Create a one-cell table and set the width & height to exactly match your background image
Place your image as the background for the datacell (<td background="images/masterbackgroundJPG(flat)5copy.jpg">
Within that one datacell, insert a second table that places all of the text & image content on top of the master background image

This is a bit more complicated, but this way ensures that your text & image content stays in place relative to your background image.
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I like that idea John!

It's just not an easily maneuverable website if when a link is clicked, another window pops up on top of the navagation system. Once you read the popup, you have to either move it or close it to click on something else, which opens another window. After the third window pop-up.. I left the site.
Points taken ... cheers guys. I'm going to try and redo the navigation (this was a first draft to replace the rather pants old site). Just a lack of time...