Mista Encore - Never Stop (Music Video)

Hi, Jonneye

Nice shot & edited video.

I'm only somewhat familiar with the genre's "Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!" standard, so I can't very well criticize the video for doing a wonderful job of just that.

It's funny how the initial 90° high contrast+too much shadow irked me, only to have almost the same shot @ 0:29 strike me as being very beautiful.
I dunno. Just funny.

I like how the shots progressed chronologically through the day.
That did a nice job of breaking up the brutal monotony of the guy doing his thing.

The fish eye pans and zooms were nice little details, as well.
It's well shot and edited. I like the fish eye clips and stop-motion stuff. I'm not a fan of (as rayw describes it) the "Look at me! Look at me!" hip-hop style. I bet there are ways to compliment and enhance the music and avoid stepping in line with the "traditional" rap video aesthetic.

Might be fun to play with audience expectations and do something totally against type. Turn the whole "rap into the camera" motif on its head. Well, maybe for the next one?

Hope it gets you and the the act more exposure!