First, the action is reflected in the mirror, and then the same action continues outside the reflection. How can this be described in a screenplay? Need an advice, please.
You know the screenwriter shouldn't use camera or shot terms
in a screenplay. You only write what can be seen so the character's
mood should be something they do – an action.
The character is looking into a mirror. What does the character
do to show their mood? What does the character do as the action
continues? Write that out and then we can explore how to put
that into screenplay format.
If you want to use camera shots and movement in the script then
that's pretty easy. Is that what you want to do?
You would start by describing the action that will be seen.
Then write that the camera moves to show everything was reflected in a mirror.
I'm having a difficult time advising on how that will show the character's mood.
Why don't you write it out how you see it and then I can get a better understanding.