archived-videos Might as well add my meager contribution... :)

Waffleman does what a waffle can

Waffleman was too funny! I don't want to spoil it for anyone that goes to check it out, but that was pretty good! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Talk about out-numbered...

Hey Escher,

Great job on Waffleman. :!: Got a big laugh :D out of it and enjoyed the nice effects. 8)

Best wishes,

By the way,

Curious... what software did you use for the 3d title effect ("waffleman") and what (if it was different) did you use to animate the waffles?


Waffleman ruled! :D

I forwarded the link on to some friends of mine who will truly appreciate the "geek" aspect of it... heh heh... it was so damn funny! Thanks for the laugh!
Sorry for the late reply! Haven't been here for awhile.

The chasing-waffle bits were done it two ways. If the waffles are just flying through the air then they were animated by hand, individually. For the shot where they bounce off of the hallway walls, a particle system was used and 3D studio max handled the wall collisions.
loved it!

Hey man! that was great...but the fight man... the fight! I wanna see the fight! When is Waffleman 2: Return of the Waffle coming out?