Thanxx for the input on Lavs...Im still quite the hack...I just ordered a set of Behringer C2 to play with for indoor recording, might work, might be a total waste of $. But $64 for a pair ?
These guys got decent reviews so Im waiting for delivery of my new toy.
They may work for ok you. I am not a big fan of most Behringer gear, but I haven't heard those.
If people are looking for small diaphram condensor mics, but want to spend a bit more, here are some options of mics that I personally like and use.
Shure sm81. Very flat response, with a nice natural sound but only available as cardioid. They have a pad switch and a 3 position roll-off switch.
Octava MC-012 ( or MK-012). These are darker sounding than the sm81. They have screw on capsules. Available capsules are cardioid, omni, and hypercardioid. No shotgun is available. They also have screw-on pad sections if you need them.
AKG C451EB or C452EB. Any AKG C451 will work, but the EB models are my favourites. They don't make the EB models any more however, so you have to look for them as used items. The current models are suffixed "B" .They are available as a body with a 3 position roll-off switch.
The srew on capsules available for them cover the cardioids, omni, short and long shotgun.
They are a bit brighter sounding than either the Shure or Octava mics.