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Michael Moore Hates America

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rizien said:
One thing you're not thinking about gay marriage is that if we compromise with one fetish/disorder, then we're gonna ahve to compromise with all of them. You gonna fight for a man's right to marry his horse?

I could care less if you're gay, i could care less if you act on it, i could care less if you live together your whole life as if you're married. But if we let that disorder get married, then we'll have to let them all...

I disagree, but see where you're coming from (something you seem to never say ;) ). Even if you consider homosexuality as a fetish/disorder...it is victimless. I feel that gays getting married would affect NO ONE except gays. I just can't see how it would affect society negatively. Gay's are gay...some or most of them will ALWAYS be gay no matter what...so they might as well be able to marry if they want....If that leads to "wierder" things that we are not ready for right now...I don't care...as long as it doesn't affect society (or horses) negatively. That's the whole point of laws. I think a healthy compromise would be letting the states decide rather than constitutionally banning it.

I think my first sentance is one that you may want to think about...I don't want to preach at you, but just try to be empathetic to other views of the world. Socialism has been proven a failure over and over throughout history, but some people don't know all that. In the real world it won't work, but on paper socialism looks good...that's why people drift toward it.
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P.S. Zen, I for one like talking about this stuff and won't let it burn any bridges. I know that everyone has their opinion. I don't think this thread will go downhill necessarily...just a friendly debate. We'll all be friends as always after this thread.
rizien said:
One thing you're not thinking about gay marriage is that if we compromise with one fetish/disorder, then we're gonna ahve to compromise with all of them. You gonna fight for a man's right to marry his horse?

Sorry to tell you, but if you really have these feelings of equating a gay relationship with bestiality(which is utterly ri·dic·u·lous for reasons Logan posted above), then you're going into the wrong industry. You'll be around more gay people than you can sake a Ricky Martin at. You might as well build a cabin and move into the woods.

rizien said:
I didnt hear a single one moan about Clinton LYING under OATH..

Huh...I guess you didn't own a TV when all that went down.

rizien said:
and im sure we all know here of the stereotypes and understand not everyone fits them...jsut to clarify.

Hey, I'm just glad to see you say it....
Yeah, Zen's right (or left). This is not the place for political debates. There are plenty of politcal forums out there, I'd suggest visiting a few if you want to get other sides of the issues that matter most to you.

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