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watch Miami Vice 2011

So this is my first real short film effort
it stemmed from a joke about the white pants i got
and i was bored today, so i made this.

there really wasn't a story behind it, and not much thought behind any of it.

But considering it only took a day to shoot and edit and everything, i think it's worthy of a watch.

Tell me what you think guys, i'd appreciate creative criticism and tips for a better next video


here it is

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I love how supportive your wife is in helping you make this (For that i love the film). You have a keeper there.
I made a girlfriend stand around in an alleyway filming me 12 O'clock at night once. We are no longer going out...
so u used fisheye lens for the whole film?

No there was no fisheye mahdy, that was my editors choice, I let him do what he liked with it, which in retrospect seems like a bad idea. It's all because he's used to making counter strike videos :l
I would've argued but I felt bad since he took 3 hrs to do it all