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watch Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Fan Film

Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted a video, because it's been a while before I felt that one of my videos was worthy of promoting. But this video is a video that I am proud of. Everyone involved put in a lot of hard work. Everyone was volunteer and it is completely self funded.

I've been wanting to do a Metal Gear Solid fan film ever since I started making short films, but I knew that if I was going to do it that I'd want to do it justice. Prior to MGS, I was a casual gamer. When I first played the first Metal Gear Solid game, I was immediately drawn to it. It was the first game that went seamlessly from cut scene to action...tactical espionage action to be exact. MGS instantly became my favorite game, and the series remains to be my favorite series of games. I began writing a script for a feature(ish) length Metal Gear Solid film. Soon thereafter, I began researching methods of fundraising. I noticed that the more successful campaigns on fundraising websites had sample trailers or short sample videos of the video that they ultimately wanted to create. So this video here is that. It began as a quick little sample video, but then it evolved into what you see here. This short film is not 100% accurate to the game, the idea was to make something that is representative to the game, but with lack of funding we had to make many improvisations. Also, we know that Big Boss wouldn't technically be wearing the eye patch at this time, but we thought it looked cool for this short little film. The final boss is not representative of any actual boss in MGS3.

