Ask about his experience with film promotion and distribution.
Examples with third party references, like IMDB, would be nice.
Ask about what venues your film will be actively promoted on.
What film festivals will be entered, their deadline dates, who'll be funding entry fees.
Or is this going straight to VOD?
Which distributor?
How will rental fees be determined as well as cuts?
Will your film be bundled with others?
Honestly, making the film is the fun hard part.
But once you have it edited and in the can, so to speak these days, promotion and distribution become the not-fun hard part of filmmaking.
(Unless you wanna just do the Ron Paul shtick and spend money year after year after year and never get anything substantially achieved other than name recognition.)
You gotta think of filmmaking as being a lot like hunting and fishing.
Sure, poking a hole in a deer trying to eat breakfast a hundred feet away is fun and exciting, so is snagging some stupid fish in the lake.
But then what?
You poked a hole in a deer and now it's dead (or semi-dead) on the ground. Now what?
There's a wiggly, flip flopping fish on the dock or floor of your boat. Now what?
You gotta gut 'em. Messy work.
Probably oughtta skin 'em, too. Yum.
Storage and transportation.
Cut and trim, discard waste.
Thaw and prepare.
Eat and enjoy!
Yeah. Making the film is the fun part.
Promotion and distribution - not so fun, unless you're just into that marketing thing, which most of us ain't.