archived-videos Marty : A Wild West Neverland

Marty - A Wild West Neverland is an adventure-fantasy set in a world inhabited by only kids. Marty and Dee cross paths with the ruthless One-Eyed Johnny and the Krimson Kids where they experience the harsh realities of tyranny and violence in the West.

I'm so excited that this film where my son Jonah Hwang plays the lead villain One-Eyed Johnny has finally been released online after a successful festival run. Please check it out. It has incredible production values, and the kids are amazingly talented actors. Thanks!
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This is terrific. I saw it at the Family Film Festival in October. I
didn't know you were involved. Did you ever mention it here?
Were you at that screening?

I'm currently prepping a show to be shot at Whitehorse in Sept/Oct.
It's a great place, isn't it?

No, Jonah and I couldn't attend the Family Film Festival although we live in Southern California.

I hadn't mention it here on Indietalk because the film was doing the festival circuit. My only participation with the film was being a chauffeur for my son and some ADR. Alas, the work of the producer continues long after the actors move on.

Whitehorse is an awesome place to shoot. I love the old German and his wife who run the place. I pray it won't be too hot for you. It had just turned hot on the weekend they shot. Really hot. So the kids were real troopers for doing such an incredible job with the heavy costumes on.