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Mark Litwak seminar in Dallas

Mark Litwak will be doing an all day seminar in Dallas at SMU on April 8th. The title is "Risky Business".

See: http://www.randomorder.net/register.htm

Risky Business
Financing and Distributing Independent Films
A Mark Litwak, Esq. Seminar

Co-Sponsorsed by
Dallas Producers Association, Indie Slate, MLD Equipment Rental, MPS Studios, Texas Association of Film/Tape Professionals (TAFTP), Women In Film – Dallas

When: April 8, 2006 9a - 5p (Check-in begins at 8:30 am; 1 hour lunch - on your own)
Where: SMU Campus, Umphrey Lee Center, Room 241
Cost: $99 Industry Professionals; $79 DPA, TAFTP & WIF Members; $65 Students;
($10 fee added for on-site registration)