archived-videos Mann In The Slip

That was superb!

I had a little trouble following the dialogue (just kidding of course) but enjoyed every minute of it. Kudos to the ast and crew!
That was great. I love the Chaplin mannerisms.
What was even cooler to me was the almost Woody Allen approach to your coverage.
Classic and Modern all at once.
Were any of the actions (facial expressions aside) improvised?
HatchiMatchi said:
That was great. I love the Chaplin mannerisms.
What was even cooler to me was the almost Woody Allen approach to your coverage.
Classic and Modern all at once.
Were any of the actions (facial expressions aside) improvised?

It was 100% improvised on facial expressions according to Jon.
That was pretty funny. It reminded me of those Jackolope segements that used to be on America's Funniest People....and no, that's not an insult...
Wonderful...I'm reminded of Mr. Bean and Rowen Atkinson. It's hard to tell a story without words, but this was done so well.

I'm looking forward to seeing more.

So unfair.

Not what happens to MANN - well, that is unfair - but the other links that are all "Coming Soon"!

It was great and I want to see more.

