Superman is the S*** and I cant wait to see this and TDKR!!! Thanks made my night :D I honestly have to high expectations for Superman cause well hes pretty much perfect if it wasn't for kryptonite... so it's very hard for them to make a "great" movie but they were all for the most part decent and as the effects get better and time goes by like now I think this might just be another awesome Superman movie! Unlike Batman whom I don't like nearly as much I love Nolan's series and cant wait for the trilogy to end! Reason being is because my expectations are lower but anyhow Nolan does amazing work along with Bale so that's definitely as plus. Anyway i plan on watching this and enjoying it :)
I don't know. They already got rid of the previous Superman, right? I think that's pretty lame. What was wrong with Brandon Routh? Nothing. He was a perfectly good Superman.

I think the most I was an interested fan of Superman was with Smallville, when my work schedule allowed me to watch it and to follow it. Well that's not really true. I liked Superman 1978 and 1980 a lot too. The sequels to those were at least a little fun too, weren't they?

But yeah, if I were king and I could rewrite the past, Bryan Singer would have stuck with The X-Men and made X3 awesome. Then again, if he loves Superman so much, can't blame him for chasing that dream.

Looks like this is the way the winds will be blowing for the forseeable future: Hollywood rebooting this stuff ad nauseum or ad infinitum, depending upon your viewpoint. Perhaps it will only be old curmudgeons like myself who will complain about it or even notice it. Maybe it's simply what works best for the so-called "multi-tasking" new generations. I suppose it's best to just get used to it...even learn to enjoy it like it were new flavors being offered at an ever increasing frequency.


That's it.

And, if I were king, Bryan Singer would return to X-men and rescue it with an all-out battle with the Sentinels. Maybe a trilogy or, what's the 2 film version of trilogy? I googled it, but no luck. Seriously, we need a term for a series of two films like trilogy is for three films. A couplet? =D That's what this geek wants.

For starters.

P.S. I tried to find an IMDb page for the forthcoming Superman, but couldn't find one.

Edit: Ah, okay, found it thanks to Zach Snyder being mentioned on that other thread. :)
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Anyone else bugged by the new supermans voice sounding too much like batman? That deep voice they used did not sound like superman to me. Too small of a scene to see what the trailer looked like. Will have to wait and see it.

My favorite superman is Clark in Smallville. Loved that show.
Great another reboot >< man im sick of all the back stories..honestly i dont care what the writers or the directors want to say..i want to see superman go toe to toe with Darkside or the Krypton man ( i think thats his name..must go look in my back issues) or Lobo, at least someone other than Lex Luther so he can have a knock out-drage out fight!
meh looks like DC is loosing the superhero movie wars to Disney...blechhhhh!

Unlike many people i hate smallville....its boring...same plot every week..its was such a reused formula that when they did move to the end of the serise they waited till the last episode to even show his full powers..too little to late.... also how they handeled Darkside was a sham and a shame.....i glad that i did not put any time in smallville or lost and wasted my life with thoes shows, they were a total let down.
in the 90's i did like lois and clark a little :/
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Well it can't be any worse than Superman Returns. I like Superman but that's one of the few movies I've nearly fell asleep in the middle of.
Well it can't be any worse than Superman Returns. I like Superman but that's one of the few movies I've nearly fell asleep in the middle of.

Oh no that is a bad sign for any movie falling asleep for the first viewing. Aww...

Yeah I will give it a shot. I just wonder with them trying to reboot this thing similar to Batman Begins if that is going to be a good thing or bad. The voice seems too similar to Batman but I will forgive if the movie is good.

I agree superman returns was not so good. I probably would have watched a sequel if they did one just to see if they could do better on the next one. The Lois Lane was fine in that movie.
Great another reboot >< man im sick of all the back stories..honestly i dont care what the writers or the directors want to say..i want to see superman go toe to toe with Darkside or the Krypton man ( i think thats his name..must go look in my back issues) or Lobo, at least someone other than Lex Luther so he can have a knock out-drage out fight!

This has been exactly my complaint for the past few years. As a comic book fan, stories RARELY begin with origins. Sometimes the origins are told after a few years of continuity. Spider-Man has been around for almost 50 years, yet the filmmakers feel like they need to keep telling that ONE arc in all of that, over and over? How many good stories that would make great movies could be told if they didn't start over each and every time? So very frustrating.

Nolan is just about done with Batman (though he's said the same thing after the previous two movies, so who really knows), and I get the desire to tie DC films into a JLA movie, the way they did with Avengers. But you know what? Even if you are taking the character in a drastically different direction, you don't need to start over at the very beginning. Tell a Batman story. At the points where Batman diverges from the last incarnation, show what's different. If it's important that his parents were killed on a broken roller coaster instead, then have that come up in the course of the movie, not be the point of the movie.

All that said, I'm not really a fan of Superman, so I probably won't see this (didn't see the last one either).
Saw it before TDKR tonight. It's definitely a teaser, not a full trailer. And consider me officially teased -- I want to see more!!! I really like how they made the flying so much more visceral.
I want to see this! I still remember how much I loved the 1978 Superman as a kid. I watched it 3 times in the theatre. Let's hope this new movie can bring back some of my childhood feelings.
Anyone else bugged by the new supermans voice sounding too much like batman? That deep voice they used did not sound like superman to me.

Depending on which version you saw, the narration was either Kevin Costner or Russell Crowe, so I'm not sure what you mean by the voice sounding like Batman.

I hate Zack Snyder and have gone on record saying so a number of times.

I like this trailer. It looks good.

I am sure that the film will be terrible.
Though I actually have high expectations for Man of Steel, I understand where you're coming from, Nick.

You've got Snyder. I've got McG. I see you, brother.
Though I actually have high expectations for Man of Steel, I understand where you're coming from, Nick.

You've got Snyder. I've got McG. I see you, brother.

I do actually really like the look and tone of this trailer, I just know that he's going to ruin it with his pornographer's handling of action sequences and total uninterest in story or character development. That's his thing and he does it in every movie because he likes things to look cool, rather than making things that are actually cool.

McG's a God.
I'm looking forward to the reboot, if for no other reason than for the redmption of Lois Lane's character, as shat upon with violent force by Kate Bosworth. A corpse could have done a more convincing portrayal.

Routh was fine, they should give him another chance.
It's the last Superman movie DC Comics gets to make before ownership gets turned over to the families of Seagel and Shooster.

There's a very strong chance it will be a disaster.

I'd rather see a big budget movie about this.

Yes, Clark meets Kara. That would make a much better movie. It's more hip with modern Superman comics.
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