Making An Affordable Short For My Sequel

I'm looking for suggestions to this idea.

First off, making a prequel short to the feature like a featurette sounds good, as people here suggested.

As I see if, the biggest expense will require a workaround. My biggest expense will be the spaceship interior scenes with one of the commanding cyborgs running tactical from the control room and fighting invading aliens inside the ship.

I also want to introduce an AI "Brain" to the ship that I will have an actress voice-over as the voice of the ship.

Maybe I should have the commanding cyborg outside the ship with the rest, hunting the predators who are hunting the humans with no aliens invading the ship?

I can have a 3D artist from create 3D animation for the "brains" of the ship running tactical instead, guiding them into battle with voice-overs for the voice of the ship. That would be cheaper than trying to rent a spaceship interior. At, I can set my own budget for artists around the world to bid on. Whoever meets my budget gets the job.

Shooting in a wooded public park and getting security is for free in my area. So, that helps to make the short affordable. I can even get some 3D art made of overviews of the planet and some of the landscape for none action scenes where the actors are just walking by and greensceen it behind them. That would be to make the woods look more alien-like.

I've seen this idea used in TV shows like the original Star Trek with William Shatner to Smallville with Tom Wellings. 3D art is used to replace sets. Although with Star Trek, those were matt paintings because 3D art and animation wasn't available at that time.
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You idea sounds fine to me. Sometimes a "workaround"
is the only option. Put your project on guru and see who
bids. If their work is what you need then go for it!
Thanks directorik.

I got to see the short that was sent along with the script from SAW. The short is a good example of how to make an effective short. It is intense. It has atmosphere. And, it scripted in a good horror classic style. I've seen that style used for vampire features.
Thanks directorik.

I got to see the short that was sent along with the script from SAW. The short is a good example of how to make an effective short. It is intense. It has atmosphere. And, it scripted in a good horror classic style. I've seen that style used for vampire features.

The commanding officer of the cyborgs is my main lead from the original movie. I'm sure she would rather be with the other cyborgs out in the woods hunting aliens rather than being all alone on the ship with just a couple of aliens to kill.
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