archived-videos Making a B&W Short Film

People who haven't seen "Isolation" might not get much from this bts/doc, but for those who have... it was great to see what was happening or being arranged off-camera to make the memorable scenes come alive.

(Don't tell Shane, but there is footage of him actually laughing and smiling in this) :secret:
Zensteve said:
(Don't tell Shane, but there is footage of him actually laughing and smiling in this) :secret:

Ha, that took me a second but I got it. Since he's such a "serious" filmmaker with dark subject matters I can see how that's probably perceived by most people who have only heard of him online or by his films. But if you knew him in person, it's not a suprise to see him smile and laugh. I think he's only serious when he doesn't talk, but the second he opens his mouth he grins so much it's almost annoying and he jokes around non-stop. Thanks for pointing that out though, Zensteve, cause I find it fascinating how differently people can perceive somebody between knwoing their work or knowing them in person, then there's those who know sombody by both their work and in person. I read this a day or 2 ago and it's been on my mind non-stop since. Interesting, that's all.

Well, thanks for the feedback. Always appreciated to hear comments by the Zen - Man! But yeah, if you haven't seen "Isolation" it would be much recommended to check that out before watching this, that way one can appreciate both films. Hopefully!
