Magic Lantern on 600D

Excuse me but I'm a newbie on film making. I heard a lot about Magic Lantern. I know it runs smoothly on 550D but I don't know if it runs on 600D. I searched the internet about it but they are a bit too skeptical. I don't if their answers are outdated or not. Please shed some light on this.

Also, what really happens if it will actually break my camera? (because of the hack). Wouldn't I be able to use it? I'm terrified on the Magic Lantern Wiki Reminder: "THIS IS DANGEROUS AND MIGHT DAMAGE YOUR CAMERA.

It's just that I waited for a year long for this camera. Hope you understand :huh::huh::huh:
I am in no way qualified to give you a definitive answer, but in my own recent research related to hacking the GH2, the chances of bricking the machine are nil if you follow the directions properly. Apparently Magic Lantern is run from the SD card, accessing the RAM, which should mean it loses all traces of itself inside the camera once the power is turned off.
I tried to install it and it the LCD red light keeps linking. Tried it again. Still same thing again. I read a solution where I should reinstall the Canon original firmware and attempt to install ML again. I'll try tomorrow again. Not now. I'm covering a graduation tomorrow. It's too risky XD