Mac emulators on Windows? (final cut pro)

I have a copy of FInal Cut Pro - for MAC, but I have a PC. IS there any way of running this fine program on it? I heard about SoftMac emulator that supposedly runs Mac OS 6-8. Has anyone had any luck on this?

If you were given it...I'll help you willingly!

If you bought it without checking specs to figure that out...sorry, but I will help you.

An emulator that runs Mac OS 8 would not help you for software that runs on OSX.

However, VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop, or stuff like that WILL work.

But! This is really slow unless you have an unbelievable amount of RAM and other things that make your computer run quickly, since an emulator eats up speed and Final Cut eats up EVEN MORE!

This is the first time I've seen a Windows user wanting to run Mac stuff, usually it's the other way around!

~Saloon 218