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watch "M is for Maternity Ward" - ABCs of Death 2 entry (DSLR)

We finally got around to shooting more shorts, and decided on a whim to enter the ABCs of Death Part 2: 26th Director competition. I decided to try shooting with the DSLR instead of our Sony pro cam (HVR-Z5U), and now, I will likely never shoot with the Sony again.

This was shot with a Canon 60D at 1080/24p, using Canon 50mm f/1.4, 100mm f/2.8, 10-22mm f/3.5, and 70-300mm f/4 lens. Edited in FCPX with minimal color correction (mainly just added a little green to the highlights).

This was also the first film I scored myself. Recorded the guitar and bass and then mixed in Logic Pro X. I'm not a trained musician, so it's not some masterpiece, but it was nice to finally produce a film without having to rely on canned music.

Appreciate any feedback, especially on the cinematography and music. And if you'd like to give the video a Facebook "Like", that would be appreciated too.

Watch it here: http://26th.abcsofdeathpart2.com/entry/m-is-for-maternity-ward/

(May be a little disturbing, with fake blood and some suggested weirdness)

Oh, and I love the Magic Lantern firmware hack. It made shooting with the DSLR soooo much easier.

To submit, go to: http://26th.abcsofdeathpart2.com/submit/submit-your-film/

Anyone can submit a short for free. Has to be under 3 minutes. Deadline is October 31. Just upload to Vimeo or YouTube. The film must be shot specifically for the competition. Basically, this is a feature film, with chosen directors doing shorts for each letter of the alphabet. One letter is reserved for public submissions. This year, the letter is "M". Your subject has to start with that letter.