archived-videos LULLABY - short film about family

I would've preferred an ending with a bit more impact but this is really well done, congrats!
What films/directors do you think influenced you?
And what's your next one about?
I would've preferred an ending with a bit more impact but this is really well done, congrats!
What films/directors do you think influenced you?
And what's your next one about?

Thanks! I was influenced by many directors and films, but when I was making this, I was particularly into the films of Taiwanese auteur Hou Hsiao-hsien and also Yasujiro Ozu from Japan. I also enjoy watching films by Robert Bresson, Vittorio De Sica, Francois Truffaut and Stanley Kubrick. Some of the modern films that I like are Lost in Translation, Her, A Ghost Story, Blue Valentine, Certain Women, Blade Runner and etc. :)
Great list. It did remind me of Ozu.
Late Spring is my favorite of his films.
I'll have to check out Hou.
I look forward to your next one.
Great list. It did remind me of Ozu.
Late Spring is my favorite of his films.
I'll have to check out Hou.
I look forward to your next one.

Thanks for the kind words!
Late Spring is my favorite too!
If you enjoy films by Ozu, most likely you will enjoy Hou's films too.
I would suggest starting from his earlier works such as "A Time To Live, A Time To Die", "Dust In The Wind", "City of Sadness" and "Millennium Mambo". :)
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I found this pg. on Hou & in the section "The best place to start," it recommends A Time To Live or Three Times.
I was going to start with Three Times because I like Shu Qi. Do you think it's not as good as A Time To Live & the other ones you mention?

Personally I prefer A Time To Live and Millennium Mambo. Three Times is an anthology of 3 different short stories across different time eras, portrayed by the same actor and actress. Maybe you can check out Millennium Mambo, Shu Qi performance in that film is great! It's also the film that started the collaboration between Hou and Shu Qi.

Interesting fact: When Shu Qi watched Millennium Mambo for the first time in Cannes Film Festival, she was moved to tears, as she came to realize a different and more realistic kind of acting/performance. It's mentioned by Hou during an interview here;
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