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Low cost editing software?

You can get Adobe Premiere Elements for about $100, or even a Premiere Elements & Photoshop Elements bundle for $150-ish

Vegas starts off pretty inexpensively, as well.

For starters, though... what's wrong with MS Movie Maker? It's free, and already on your computer. 95% of editing can be learned on this. Everything else is just nuance & complexity.
You can get Adobe Premiere Elements for about $100, or even a Premiere Elements & Photoshop Elements bundle for $150-ish

Vegas starts off pretty inexpensively, as well.

For starters, though... what's wrong with MS Movie Maker? It's free, and already on your computer. 95% of editing can be learned on this. Everything else is just nuance & complexity.

I agree with Mr. Steve on this also.
I don't use Movie Maker, since it winds me up. But it is great to learn cutting and such :)