lost without boom mike!

I just hate this! I need a boom mike for a shoot and don't have one. With little or no money, this really is frustrating. I wanted to build me own, but even the mike's are expensive. Anyone have a cheap blueprint on making a shotgun mike or a boom mike? Thanks. Sorry I am venting right now!

Welcome to the forum.

You want to build a microphone? Why don't you rent a microphone and boom pole from a local rental house, or find a sound man with equipment that will help you out.
You can always use a fishing pole, with a mic either tied to a length of string attached to the thin end, or taped directly to the thin end of the pole, itself.
I don't know what kind of mike I need. I think I need a omni mike, but will that work as a shotgun or a boom? The fishing pole idea is a good one, but right now, the mike is the main problem. I just spent about $700 on a mini DV and don't have the funds to rent the microphone (although, I wish I did). That is why I am trying to look for options and alternatives. Basically, I am lost right now.

I am not going to hook it up to a DAT machine because the one I was going to borrow from a friend fell through, so it is going straight into the camera.